It just happens I am the man in charge and I make the decisions - someone has to.
The new man in charge was then contacted by Ricardo Teixeira, the head of the CBF.
CNN: Brazil name little-known Menezes as replacement for Dunga
But at other times, he seems to want to be the one man in charge.
The man in charge of that transition has just been shown the door.
The man in charge, Under-Secretary-General Jean Marie Guehenno, explains the challenges of achieving freedom and democracy in war-ravaged nations.
The man in charge of fighting terrorism in Manchester has also been honoured by The Queen in the list.
They have also put one man in charge of roads in both authorities.
He joined them later during the meeting, and it was obvious according to the team that he was the man in charge.
The man in charge then is leading the Americans once more, Herb Brooks.
He is at pains to point out that while he is the man in charge, it is very much a collaborative process.
The agency has helped keep nuclear peace for nearly fifty years. 10.13.34 Music 10.13.36 Paul Kenyon This is the man in charge.
The FBI is relying on the public to be its eyes and ears, said the man in charge of the Boston investigation.
The search won't start in earnest unless the man in charge of the government's investigation, Attorney General Andi Muhammad Ghalib, gives the go-ahead.
"Abu Dhabi wanted to show that it's aware of its carbon footprint today, " says Khaled Awad, the man in charge of building Masdar City.
Like Labour's Harold Wilson, the man in charge the last time Britain had a referendum, David Cameron has promised to renegotiate Britain's relationship with Europe.
The man in charge of Guernsey's St John Ambulance and Rescue has said its financial reserves have been exhausted due to an insufficient States grant.
That was doubly necessary because the man in charge of preparing that part of the magazine is also the keeper of the A-List tablets, John H.
The man in charge of the Luxembourg presidency will be the prime minister, Jean-Claude Juncker, the youngest of the European summiteers and one of the brightest.
He further alleges that the man in charge of the Ugandan forces' operation against the LRA, Brigadier General Charles Otema, does not want to catch Joseph Kony.
The court ruling means Tamakloe remains the man in charge for the time being as the Ministry of Youth and Sports attempts to end the raging power struggle.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Ghana rivals told to end feud
Russia's institutions being worryingly weak and the powers of its president frighteningly strong, it is vital that the man in charge is beholden to neither demagogues nor billionaires.
The man in charge of the sale, Keith Harris, the chairman of brokers Seymour Pierce, has said he expected a deal to be concluded by the end of June.
Lee Kye Sik, the president's man in charge of reforming the government and privatising state-owned firms, fears strong action may not be possible until South Koreans face the abyss.
Maj Andrew Chatburn, the man in charge of choreographing the parade, said the rehearsal had gone "very well" and it was "vitally important" to stage a trial of Wednesday's event.
In January it emerged that the man in charge of Bulgaria's roads, Veselin Georgiev, had granted contracts worth hundreds of millions of euros to a company owned by his brother.
One such may be Guillermo Ortiz, now the central bank governor, earlier finance minister, and in 1991-92 the man in charge of privatising the banks that later he bailed out.
The man in charge of the investigation, Mainuddin Khandker, told BBC Bangla on Wednesday that "extremely poor" construction materials were used in the building and said the report identified five causes of the collapse.