Robert Woodruff, Coca-Cola's chief, complied readily having already promised shortly after Pearl Harbor to supply every man in uniform with a five-cent bottle of Coca-Cola, no matter the cost to the company.
Someone laughed, but in a moment several passengers were up and banging on the doors and windows until a man in a uniform came down the ramp and peered in at us with his hands cupped at his temples.
An Arab looking man in a uniform with military insignia stopped his car next to me.
Because the young people were fleeing a man in police uniform the swimmers were suspicious.
Old West Point photos show a handsome man in a crisp uniform who graduated in 1974, joined the cavalry at Fort Bliss, then led nuclear weapons support teams in Korea.
Every man and woman in uniform who participated in this effort can know that you have accomplished every objective.
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Obama has called Afghanistan a "war of necessity, " and he's sent an additional 21, 000 troops there, but he's also said he has to "exercise skepticism" any time he sends a man or woman in uniform into harm's way.
"Think 'Officer and a Gentleman' a man in a white dress uniform showing up at my graduation with three dozen red roses, " says Ms. Madsen, 50 and an author and blogger about topics including female sexuality.
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"This is a busy area, and we are appealing for anyone who may have seen this man, who was dressed in a uniform, go into the post office or leave it to come forward, " said Det Insp Patch.
BBC: Hampden Park post office in Rosebery Avenue, Eastbourne
In a privileged neighborhood a man sells caramel popcorn outside one school and guards stand outside in uniform, their guns attached to their belts.
The dead man, who was not dressed in military uniform, was shown lying next to weapons, flak jackets and various other pieces of equipment.
He is a man of faith, and after more than a decade in uniform, he says the thing he looks forward to the most is just being a husband and a father.
An Afghan man believed to be a policeman, who was not wearing uniform at the time, also died in the incident in the Nahr-e Saraj area, the MoD said.
With him was another man, also in a black peasant's smock and the dark gray trousers that were almost a uniform in that province, wearing rope-soled shoes and with a carbine slung over his back.
He's a man who wore the uniform of this country for 22 years and refused to break faith with those troops in Iraq who have now brought victory within sight.
The only hint that the man was some sort of official was a uniform inside his room, which led Suarez to presume that he was in the military.