The troops' mandate was to protect observers who would take notes on ceasefire violations.
Ministers also plan to abolish the dual mandate that allows AMs to sit as MPs.
It said the detentions were legal under the UN mandate and complied with international obligations.
Its no-frills mandate--no meals, no in-flight service, no travel agents--is popular with both budget-seekers and jet-setters.
Bhusri and Duffield returned in October 2004, with a mandate to figure out the future.
The mandate to architect Chris Beckingham was to make the resort elegant but understated.
Within our mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro.
Even many of the new taxes are not necessarily dependent on the coverage mandate.
Many of those regulations, restrictions and intrusions have little or nothing to do with the mandate.
Will state legislators then feel compelled to mandate that health insurance cover those drugs?
States members are questioning why a politician is representing the island abroad without a States mandate.
Meanwhile, Democrats jealously guard their entitlement programs while Republicans maintain fealty to their mandate on taxes.
FORBES: Cut Spending By Returning To Founding Principles Of Federalism
Conversely, a Supreme Court decision invalidating the mandate would not seriously undermine congressional authority.
But now the Bush Administration is considering boosting this mandate to 60 billion gallons by 2030.
Government auditors would determine whether a worker misclassification triggers the health-care law's employer mandate.
WSJ: Why Small Businesses Are Scared of the New Health-Care Law
Hundreds of them died as the UN used helicopters under its mandate to protect civilians.
"We've shown these artists briefly before, but we have a bigger mandate now, " Ms. Davis says.
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His plan does not mandate individual coverage for all Americans, but requires coverage for all children.
There is also concern about new municipal laws that mandate LEED certification for new construction process.
FORBES: Energy-hogging LEED-certified buildings cause concern
Obama came to office with a mandate to restore America's standing in the world.
Business owners know that they can avoid the mandate by staying under 50 employees.
Bill: Our mandate is always to hedge the portfolio to protect the downside.
It also might strike down the health-care mandate but leave the remainder of the law intact.
To achieve such a mandate, the presidential candidates will have to exhibit vision and will.
Pro-Western leader Mikhail Saakashvili says the election will give him a mandate to continue his reforms.
"We mandate an age of 16 or older, " says Karen Cobb, speaking for Lowe's.
Grubman cautioned that the league wouldn't mandate content and every team would determine what is shown.
Several states mandate first-dollar coverage for certain types of health insurance benefits, no deductibles permitted.
Senate Democrats could block, and Mr Obama could veto, any change to the Fed's mandate.
In practice it behaves much like central banks, for whom controlling inflation is the only mandate.