But he also has a message for those who "question his manhood" for getting emotional.
One corner is given over to a set of giant concrete balls, known as Manhood Stones.
Some tribal groups use traditional circumcision to mark the transition to manhood, others reject it.
George Bush senior proved his manhood by making a fortune in the hard-scrabble world of west Texas.
Yet for this reviewer, British and female, the picture of lachrymose middle-aged manhood drawn by Ms Sheehy beggars belief.
These had been established, in 1850, by a physician named William Penny Brookes, as a means of fortifying British manhood.
They have achieved the improbable feat of disarming tribesmen in a society where guns are considered indispensable emblems of manhood.
If your husband is modeling some sort of Don Draper version of manhood he is not on the Mr. Right spectrum.
One part of this is teaching boys that being compassionate and emotionally expressive is part of manhood in the 21st century.
We promote responsible manhood as one of the issues that has to be addressed to have a healthy nation in the future.
With manual labor but a memory for most Americans, we have even fewer opportunities to enact rituals of manhood in the way our ancestors did.
An unruly brown beard, touched with gray, grounded him in manhood.
As childhood gives way to adolescence and that to manhood this kind of boy tends to be progressively cut off from the ordinary life of his group .
In an age when traditional manhood has been increasingly relegated to fiction -- capes, masks and green screens -- these three men stand as real-life heroes.
To the Amish, a beard is a significant symbol of faith and manhood, and the way Amish women wear their hair also is a symbol of faith.
As a token of that close relationship, Van der Veer has a bejeweled curved Saudi dagger, a traditional gift to boys entering manhood, hanging in his otherwise spartan corner office.
As a token of his close Saudi ties, Van der Veer has a bejeweled curved Saudi dagger--a traditional gift to boys entering manhood--hanging in his otherwise spartan corner office.
He presented the From Boy to Manhood award to Mr and Mrs Taylor on Thursday for the dignity and courage with which they faced the murder of their son.
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For much of the 70s and 80s Agnelli was also the symbol of Italian manhood: he was married to a princess, but his love affairs were never kept secret.
Tonight I propose a three-year initiative to help organizations keep young people out of gangs, and show young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence.
Base Ball is the American Game par excellence because its playing demands Brain and Brawn, and American manhood supplies these ingredients in quantity sufficient to spread over the entire continent.
Downs became the channel through which religious faith "finally flowed into Jack's consciousness and was finally accepted there, if on revised terms, as he himself reached manhood, " Mr. Rampersad writes.
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The new Muscles album, Manhood, is only available in Australia at the moment, so fans of the group living elsewhere might have to wait a little while to hear it.
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Yes, there are non-athletes and athletes who conflate masculinity with athletics, but I think the narrative is changing and athletes, in private, are having important conversations about redefining masculinity and manhood.
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Yet as boys reach manhood, they begin to lose their closest male friends and become less willing to be emotionally vulnerable because they associate these qualities with being female or gay.
He was referring to "The Voyage of Life, " a series of allegorical paintings about childhood, youth, manhood and old age, a set of which resides at the National Gallery in Washington.
In parts of Liberia, cross-dressing is a symbol of the passage from boyhood to manhood, which is why some adolescent soldiers wear dresses when going about the manly business of war.
He describes the O'odham Indians, at the end of one of their periodic treks to the ocean, proving their manhood by the terrifying trial of wading in up to their armpits.
Lord Rennard claimed the publication, Pure Manhood: How to become the man God wants you to be, was "clearly" homophobic, undermined HIV prevention campaigns and was "likely to incite further homophobic bullying".