Finally, the giveaway is mine, all mine (insert maniacal laughter and rubbing together of hands here).
U.S. Bank is using what Benjamin descrbes as a maniacal focus on the client to attract more business.
Too often, the market's maniacal focus on creating ever-increasing quarterly earnings drives bad corporate behavior, as it apparently did at Dell.
Richard Kind gives a dynamic performance as mega-maniacal studio executive Marcus Hoff.
"I pay maniacal attention to where an idea comes from, and I even keep notebooks filled with my ideas, " he tells the author.
They have been used to justify systemic deregulation and a maniacal focus on generating short-term earnings that are not necessarily real economic earnings.
The only of the four biggest banks with true cost-control credibility is Wells Fargo, home to a long line of maniacal bean counters.
FORBES: How Long Will Buffett Be Under Water With U.S. Bancorp?
But at the witching hour, I did drink with maniacal utilitarianism.
They will never know the maniacal joy of Survival Season, the glee of an empty golf course or the world's most perfect sport: pond hockey.
"In his maniacal quest to annihilate the studio owners, he realised that the most effective retaliation was to destroy their talent, " wrote Willie Wilkerson of his father.
Barbeques stir the interest of kookaburras, large native kingfishers with a maniacal laugh, which sit patiently in the trees before swooping boldly to gobble up any unattended meat.
No, the maniacal, child-hating teacher of "Matilda" does not visit schools, but the RSC has developed an online instruction platform for teachers who bring student groups to the show.
The 'Dean scream' dirty trick which, as you know, was created by filtering out the deafening crowd's roar to create the false impression of a maniacal yell (a sound clip used to this day during the Political Junkie segment on NPR's Talk of the Nation).