What Sarbanes-Oxley has manifestly done is impose hefty costs on publicly held companies, especially small ones.
One must also show that the overall European gain manifestly outweighs individual national interests.
Ms Goldie said the SNP plan was manifestly flawed and that VCs offered a unique service.
There have been periods of monetary stability, but the trend line has been manifestly unstable.
He warned of "unavoidable austerity ahead" and said cutting youth services should be "manifestly indefensible".
Others are manifestly unworkable (letting head teachers kick out troublemakers with no right of appeal).
In contrast, loading all of these generational cross-subsidies onto young people is manifestly unfair.
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Governments are already trying to deal with public anger about manifestly unfair gains by capping bankers' bonuses.
It's to do with the rules which are manifestly unfair, and is the reason people ignore them.
There would have to be a clause excluding any country manifestly unqualified to join when 2005 came.
Now, reportedly, six of them have been designated as the scapegoats for what is manifestly an institutional failure.
Milton also manifestly does acknowledge that there are other sources of value than obedience to an all-knowing deity.
It would curb the power of judges to deliver sentences manifestly at odds with the letter of the law.
Overall, the reformed pension systems are manifestly better than the ones they replaced.
However, the response appears to offer nothing new and manifestly fails to give a clear answer to our key recommendation.
The so-called Oracle of Omaha begins by making the manifestly absurd assertion that tax rates do not influence investment behavior.
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The IRS has issued proposed regulations designed to fix this manifestly unfair and unworkable provision by essentially rewriting the statute without Congressional approval.
At the Court of Appeal, Sir Hugh Bennett, sitting with Lord Justice Laws and Mr Justice MacDuff, reduced the publican's "manifestly excessive" sentence.
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Kingfisher Airlines is so broke it cannot pay its gorgeous cabin crew, for instance, and Air India is also manifestly in deep distress.
Critics of a new select committee with such a mandate have an obligation to propose another approach to address this manifestly growing problem.
Forces both internal and external (the World Bank) are pushing for this, and it would be manifestly healthy, maybe even necessary, for global prosperity.
On Thursday, at London's Criminal Appeal Court, the port authority's lawyers are expected to argue the fine was "manifestly excessive" and should be reduced.
The Hefley bill offers a manifestly constitutional means of asserting congressional prerogatives with respect to the use of the U.S. military in non-emergency situations.
No business model has come through the crisis unscathed and size is manifestly not the only attribute that makes a bank too important to fail.
ECONOMIST: The contract between society and banks will get stricter
As with other comprehensive school pupils, low in confidence and difficult to draw her out of herself despite being able to manifestly think on her feet.
Whatever the outcome of the debate--and we will find out, on our watch, a few years at most from now--the consequences of being wrong are manifestly high.
Bush aides might say that the President is no economist and must therefore rely on advice from the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve, even if it is manifestly misguided.
"What shareholders here are increasingly concerned about are the enormous amounts of money which are paid to people who quite manifestly do not deserve it, " shareholder Geoffrey Lloyd told the meeting.
The letter also told legislators of the "sacred and overriding" principle that "justice must not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done", our reporter adds.