They no longer have unlimited manpower resources upon which to draw.
Without the additional manpower and resources, change at North would have happened much more slowly or not at all.
It is a fact that Roman bread and circuses produced a large leech class at a time when desperately needed manpower and resources for the Legions was scarce.
Whether the race should be run at all has become a debate, since the marathon would require so much manpower, resources and attention during a time of citywide strain.
Only a nation-state would have the financial, manpower and other resources necessary to develop and deploy Stuxnet, the experts argue.
Less hubristic and more informed leaders would have realised that both countries had the manpower and industrial resources to prevail in a war of attrition.
Lenders are reluctant to deploy resources and manpower to elevate the mortgage approval beyond what it is now.
The sheer huge numbers of boomers seeking out volunteer opportunities presents enormous opportunity for nonprofits in need of more resources and manpower.
Albert's father claimed the family had the resources and manpower to start the organization after a stint as brigands in the Alps.
What was true was a lack of manpower and a lack of resources at the border, combined with the pull of jobs and ill-considered enforcement once folks were in the country.
As resources dwindled, manpower-intensive caucus states were abandoned in favor of delegate-rich primary battlegrounds, a critical error that allowed Obama to amass a pledged delegate lead that Clinton was never able to overcome.
According to a new study from Right Management, the human resources consulting division of the staffing firm Manpower, 46% of employees failed to use all their vacation days in 2010.
However, the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of these programmes has been undermined by a lack of adequate resources, an acute shortage of trained manpower, a severe lack of educational and other instructional materials, a shortage of learning spaces and insufficient motivation for teachers and literacy facilitators due to poor working conditions.
UNESCO: Integrated Intergenerational Literacy Project (IILP)
It will be important for these officers to be provided with sufficient resources, in terms of both suitably qualified and trained manpower and appropriately integrated and controlled ICT systems, to enable them to achieve the service objectives for each of the sections.
And based on the resources that it would take in this instance to get enough equipment, manpower or what have you to fully block off that route while we were having this emergency, they did not necessarily think made sense at that time given, again, how many people were also trying to get home.
Rather than purchasing the tools and manpower needed to run their companies, more small firms are renting, sharing or outsourcing resources, typically through online services, according to Steve King, a partner at Emergent Research, a research and consulting firm for small businesses.