This in a country where the average prison term for manslaughter is three years.
The doctors were cleared of manslaughter at a subsequent trial at Cardiff Crown Court in June 2002.
They had been held on suspicion of manslaughter and an offence under the Dangerous Dogs Act.
Soldier Aaron Kendrick has been convicted by a court martial of the manslaughter of Rifleman Vakabua.
Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray has denied a charge of involuntary manslaughter over the singer's death.
Mark Royle, 37, is standing trial for robbery, murder and manslaughter at Manchester Crown Court.
The lorry's Clacton-based owner, Paul Napier, 49, denied a charge of manslaughter at Ipswich Crown Court.
Captain Richard Ashby, who was flying with Schweitzer, was acquitted of all charges, including manslaughter.
He was subsequently convicted of manslaughter and was sentenced to seven years in jail.
The Army charged Drake with involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide and failure to obey regulations.
Mr Blythe was accused of manslaughter after allegedly pushing Daniel Nosek, 19, off the stage.
Andrew Symeou, 22, from Middlesex, is on bail awaiting trail for manslaughter, which he denies.
He is barred from standing, having been convicted of manslaughter for a car accident.
He had previously admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility at Preston Crown Court.
Hussain was found guilty of eight counts of manslaughter and jailed along with two other men.
Schettino is still awaiting trial on multiple charges of manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning ship.
Manslaughter would not be difficult to prove but for Florida's "stand your ground" law.
In 1996, Ms Thornton's murder conviction was changed to manslaughter and she was granted freedom.
Mick Philpott, Mairead Philpott and Mr Mosley deny the manslaughter of the children in Derby.
The driver of the coach Derek Thompson, 47, was charged by French police with involuntary manslaughter.
She later admitted manslaughter because "she didn't want to put her family through a trial".
Manslaughter is still a serious felony, although it carries a lower penalty than murder.
Under a plea agreement, Stallworth was sentenced to 30 days in jail for DUI manslaughter.
CNN: NFL player among 2 injured in Florida air balloon crash
Police later arrested George "Cloggy" Williams, who was convicted of manslaughter and given a life sentence.
Under Cuban law, involuntary manslaughter carries a term of between one and 10 years.
BBC: Cuba prosecutors seek seven years for Spain's Carromero
Callaghan, of Ivy Bank Lane, Keighley, admitted manslaughter due to diminished responsibility at an earlier hearing.
BBC: Haworth man Clement Callaghan, 80, jailed for killing wife
He had been charged with manslaughter because it was a "clear case" of gross negligence.
The lawyer for Champion's parents said Monday they feel the manslaughter charge is appropriate.
They also have charged two additional defendants with manslaughter, though they have yet to be arrested.
He was charged with involuntary injury and not with the more serious offense of involuntary manslaughter.