While many believe AOL was an "overnight" success, it was actually a 20-year adventure with many ups and downs.
In many ways, it was a year that would change the social landscape of a generation.
This year was the first year in many that I had a chance to watch the game, anticipate and critique the ads just like every other consumer, and not worry (at all) about what the pundits would say on Monday morning.
Extraordinarily low volatility in many markets was still the rule a year ago, so many investors were taking on more risk than they realized.
"This is an area that was rocked by riots less than a year before this mural was painted, and for many in the community the painting has become a real symbol of local pride, " Wood Green Councillor Alan Strickland said.
Getting a driver's license is a rite of passage for many teenagers, but the process was a bit more challenging for 19-year-old Mulligan of Acworth, Georgia.
For many programs, this was the second year in a row their budgets were frozen.
For many, 2010 was the year when job searching became a science of its own.
It was only a year ago that many biotech watchers were united in predicting failure for both Tarceva and Genentech's real star, Avastin.
One of the things that we did last year was take on a defense program that many thought we were crazy to try to go after and try to cut.
Of course, it took off like the many viral videos it would spawn and in little more than a year was seeing 100 million daily visits from 20 million monthly users.
Yet its bureaucrats insist on a ruinous road-building programme that has the taxpayer shelling out for more road building in 2001 than in 1969, when Japan needed many more motorways and its economy was growing at 10% a year.
While 2010 was a great year for BDC investors, many are looking ahead to next year wondering if the upward trends will continue.
FORBES: Should Retail Investors Continue to Chase BDCs Higher?
"The defence has been key all year and to hold a side with so many attacking weapons out was a superb effort, " he said.
The highly anticipated IPO by dealmaker Bruce Wasserstein ends a more than 150-year partnership--what many say was the last of its kind in finance.
Even in 2005, Capital One was conducting as many as 30, 000 experiments a year by offering credit cards with different interest rates, incentives, and marketing techniques.
FORBES: Capital One Buys Data Analytics Firm To Tap Spending Trends At Local Businesses
The absolute volume of loans many banks are adding in a year now is often bigger than the entire bank was a decade ago.
Last year, many economists hoped that Zvi Griliches, a noted econometrician who was unquestionably deserving of the prize, and was suffering from a long illness, would win.
As the prices of gold and silver continue to climb to record levels, many investors are reminiscing fondly about ignoring warnings from half a year ago that gold was approaching its peak.
FORBES: "Speculative Binge" In Gold And Silver Has Jack Bogle Worried
Though 2010 was volatile, many experts believe that 2011 will be a good year for the stocks, with corporate profits being driven by rising consumer confidence and low interest rates.
FORBES: Bearish On Deutsche Bank Despite Encouraging Equity Trends
Last year one of the two winners was a psychologist whose findings contradict many of the assumptions of economic theory.
Indiana, in my eighth year.... It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods.
There was, however, for many years: Janet Robinson, who served as CEO until she was pushed out a year ago.
FORBES: D��j�� Vu at The New York Times as Newsroom Cuts Loom
It was just one of many instances over the year where Twitter facilitated a conversation between those on the inside of the political world and those on the outside.
Tim Snoddy, a 51-year-old accountant and consultant for legal cases, was a frequent business traveler who left his Lexington home many times a year to spend a total of six months away at his offices in Asheville, North Carolina, and near Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
It has been said by many that Mr. Clinton pushed so hard for peace last year because he was seeking a legacy.
Another of the many young fans there was 17-year-old George Webster, who spontaneously performed a perfect Michael Jackson dance routine for a cheering audience.
The filmmakers embedded themselves at East Middle School for a year, and filmed many children, so as to disguise their real purpose, which was to see how Alex copes with his predicament.
One of the many second-year innovations at the farm, therefore, was the Donkey Motel, a corner of the barn where Anthony had installed insulation, wiring for heat lamps, and a small hay feeder.
"Unfortunately, after a year's commercial operation, it was clear to us that despite many satisfied customers, the wider public take up would not be sufficient and that the support from the car producers was not forthcoming, " said Better Place CEO Dan Cohen.