• The researchers also found many of the promotions required customers to buy large amounts of alcohol to claim the discount.

    BBC: Tyne & Wear

  • What happens to private equity may be a leading indicator of how the crisis in the financial system will affect the rest of the business world, both because private-equity deals are so dependent on large amounts of debt, and because many of the shrewdest judges of corporate value work for private-equity funds.

    ECONOMIST: Business and the credit crunch

  • Many companies are still holding large amounts of cash, waiting pragmatically to see if the government will alter its direction and begin to remedy their fear, uncertainty and doubt.

    FORBES: The Day the Recovery Started

  • And doing this, of course, would divert large amounts of through traffic to other roads in the area, many of them small roads passing through villages.

    ECONOMIST: Roads

  • Rather than rotating corn planting with soybeans to replace soil nitrogen, many farmers are planting corn year after year and adding large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer.

    FORBES: Biofuels: Fields Of Pipedreams

  • There is a tension in handling large amounts of data that can be seen by many people, argues Ross Anderson, of Cambridge University.

    ECONOMIST: Companies and information

  • Many low-carb or no-sugar products still contain large amounts of saturated fat, which can raise bad cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease.

    CNN: Is no-sugar ice cream really a healthier alternative?

  • There were large amounts of wealth created a few years ago, and many people spent it on yachts.

    FORBES: Bespoke

  • Sending large amounts of information down an optical fibre is done by encoding many separate streams of data as pulses of light of different colours, so that they can travel along the fibre without interfering with each other.

    ECONOMIST: Optical fibres could carry more information in the future

  • But by now many workers have had 401(k)s for a decade or more and find themselves with large amounts of money to manage.

    ECONOMIST: Money managers

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