Many of you know colleagues that have reported from exceedingly dangerous places in the world.
Such specificity, as many of you know, is the standard practice of federal prosecutors all across America.
So, as many of you know, we're going to be having a jobs summit on December 3rd.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Press After Cabinet Meeting
And many of you know firsthand the painful disruptions this has caused for a lot of Americans.
As many of you know, the department is in the midst of paying out a settlement for decades-long discrimination.
This has been an effort that we've had underway, as many of you know, since our transition into office.
Jane Crawford: Michael Skakel is Ethel Kennedy's nephew, as many of you know.
Many of you know that my son was deployed to Iraq as a member of the Delaware Army National Guard.
But as many of you know, David has been with me from the very start of this enterprise running for President.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Personnel Announcement
Over the weekend, as many of you know, there was a tragic incident in which a number of Afghan civilians were killed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Enforcing Trade Rights with China | The White House
We've got Regina Dugan, who is the director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, as many of you know.
And one person I want to end with is somebody that many of you know -- the superintendent of schools in St.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the National Urban League Convention | The White House
And I share this often -- as many of you know, my father was a blue-collar worker at the city water plant.
And we are also focused, as I think many of you know, on the safety of American citizens who are in Libya.
In the past, as many of you know, presidents of both parties, Republican and Democrat, have been committed to our nuclear deterrent.
As many of you know, I have been losing weight throughout 2008.
Many of you know comrades and classmates who left our shores to defend freedom and who did not live to make the journey home.
As many of you know, we're in the process, this administration, of going through an evaluation, a strategic review of our approach to Afghanistan.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with NATO Secretary General
As many of you know, Secretary Clinton became the first Secretary of State since Dean Rusk, in 1961, to go to Asia on an inaugural trip.
As many of you know, oil and gas are the principal hard currency earners for the Soviet Union (comprising roughly 75% of total annual Soviet hard currency income).
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: US-Soviet Joint Ventures: The Camel's Nose Under The Tent
And, again, I think many of you know with a great level of detail what the proposals were that he worked on with the Speaker of the House.
As many of you know, I have some historic ties to Indonesia, but I am also extraordinarily impressed with the progress that Indonesia has made in developing its democracy.
And we are engaged, as I know many of you know, in efforts really across the region, from Tunisia all the way to obviously our ongoing efforts in Iraq.
As many of you know, I spent some time in my youth in this part of the world and have a great fondness and affection for the people of Singapore.
So in every presidential election since 1984, the turnout in the presidential year -- and many of you know this, as political reporters -- has eclipsed turnout in midterm elections.
And from the moment I got here, I saw up close what many of you know to be true: The government we have is not the government that we need.