• The record office said the Raymond Frostick Map Collection included maps where the North Sea is described as the German Ocean - a term often used until World War I - and King's Lynn was called three different names - Linn, Lyn and Lin.

    BBC: Rare Norfolk maps added to county archive

  • Mr Lane took a special interest in the two patches, learning that the British Museum had never determined what was under them even though the map had been in its collection since 1866 and was on show in 2007 as part of the quadricentennial of Jamestown, Virginia, the site of England's first permanent colony in America.

    ECONOMIST: The mystery of Roanoke

  • To support their continuing development and cultivate a reading environment at home, the participants are presented with a book written by the Technical Team (containing poems, exercises, vocabulary, recipes and a map of the country) and a collection of five books donated by national companies and produced by a national publisher.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Uruguay

  • One item his collection no longer includes is that Java map I liked so much--that's mine now.

    FORBES: Prime Source

  • Unlike the USA, which has been a well-established federation on roughly the same geographic map over a century, EU is still a collection of states in an area where ethnic diversities, racial differences, ideology and economic antagonism have changed the map several times.

    FORBES: EU: A Collection of Capricious Brides

  • First, before departure, I gathered a collection of guide books from Lonely Planet and a large fold out map of each city.

    FORBES: Looking at the Web from a World Away

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