• "You can do a lot of this with a paper map, " Ostrowski says.


  • Children of the current generation will be poorer for it if they never get to linger over a vast paper map and then try in vain to fold it back into its original shape.

    WSJ: Lost in Our Maps: A History of Cartographic Catastrophes

  • To get the parties going on implementation, it is crucial that the architects, with America in the lead, resist Israel's manoeuvres to turn the road map into a negotiating paper.

    ECONOMIST: Accurate accounts

  • Even today in the world of satellite based GPS and the fairly exact positioning information it can provide, it is always best to have a paper chart or map and the needed tools in case your electronic ones fail so you are not left stranded and unable to find your way home.

    FORBES: DEDuced Reckoning is Assembling the Mosaic!

  • Citing "diplomatic sources", the paper says a border map that both Beijing and Delhi can accept will attempt to be drawn.

    BBC: China morning round-up: Inflation and economy discussed

  • The Oregon-based map publisher has been producing meticulous paper maps of the Western U.S. since 1994 but waited until now to create a digital application.


  • Elephant dung is one of many materials the artist uses in his works, which draw on collage techniques and employ acrylic paint, paper collage, glitter and map pins on canvas.

    BBC: Artful elephants rewarded

  • In July, astronomers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which aims to map out a million galaxies, published a research paper in which they superimposed their own galaxy-clustering data on Wmap's microwave data.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Dark energy tops science class

  • Players had to map out their progress in virtual worlds on sheets of graph paper, or write down lengthy passwords to save games.

    WSJ: These Videogame Sites Are for 'Mature' Audiences Only

  • Ian Lipkin, a Columbia researcher who was an author on the Science paper, says his bee work could provide "a road map for addressing outbreaks of infectious disease" like SARS. Metagenomics could also open a window on the invisible microbes, still undiscovered, that live in the earth, air and sea.

    FORBES: Can Genomics Save The Bees?

  • Among the creative platforms Tsang used to convey his harangues is a map of Hong Kong that he covered in calligraphy, as well as an umbrella and two paper lanterns.

    BBC: Calligraphic graffiti in Hong Kong

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