Even by the time of his death in 1324, the book had made Marco Polo famous.
The spectacle of Chinese turbo-capitalism is inspiring Marco Polo-like awe in some Western commentators.
Travel the legendary Silk Road formed by the forays of Genghis Khan, Marco Polo, and Tamburlaine.
Commanding one of the Venetian ships was Marco Polo, back from his wanderings.
The top 10 included Marco Polo and astronaut Neil Armstrong as well as mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary.
Marco Polo was on there, as was Sir Francis Drake, Vasco da Gama, Magellan, Lewis and Clark and Shackleton.
BBC: Why modern maps put everyone at the centre of the world
Marco Polo reported back from China that he had seen a 24-pound goose.
He compared himself to Marco Polo, an explorer and trader of exotic cultures.
Marco Polo was taken away in chains, and from a jail in Genoa began to write of his 24 years on the road.
All morning I sit on deck, leaning back against the mast, alternately gazing at the islands ahead and reading from The Travels of Marco Polo.
Taxila was already in ruins when Marco Polo passed this way.
The explorer, Marco Polo (1254-1324), is believed to have seen ice-creams being made during his trip to China and introduced them to Italy.
The Marco Polo already has 13 spots in the Asia-Pacific, and has another 10 in the pipeline in China, the Philippines and Thailand.
For example, according to Marco Polo XTF, four of the top six ETFs by market cap all have vastly different numbers of holdings.
Rolf Potts' second book, Marco Polo Didn't Go There: Stories and Revelations from One Decade as a Postmodern Travel Writer, will be published in September.
The catch: more than half will come from the transfer of Wharf's entire stake in Singapore-listed Marco Polo Developments to another unit of parent company Wheelock.
To test our theory, we analyzed the holdings and allocations for the top 6 Consumer staples ETFs (listed below) by market cap according to Marco Polo XTF.
The conversion is rejuvenating China's ancient Silk Road to the west, immortalised by Marco Polo in the 14th century but rarely used since sea routes made the camel trains redundant.
BBC: News | oldBusiness | The future shines for China's Silk Road
Vivier got the inspiration for this work while traveling through Asia and Zipangu is the name Marco Polo gave Japan when he discovered it, but Asian influences are not obvious.
The author himself was blessed with a curious and unpredictable mind, his subjects including alchemy, Antarctica, Nordic tales, Marco Polo, Mayan sculpture and the quest for gold in the New World.
Smaller companies, among them Pharmakon, based in Hong Kong, and Marco Polo Technologies, based in Bethesda, Maryland, are also applying modern techniques to standardised traditional remedies, before launching them in America.
Yangzhou, where Marco Polo once served as a municipal official, has a history of 2, 500 years, dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period in China (771 to 403 BC) when it was called Guangling.
It also has the only five-star hotel in Russia outside Moscow and St Petersburg, put there in a fit of premature optimism by an Austrian chain, Marco Polo, and later turned over to local management.
We were far ahead of the market when we made our Naxos and Marco Polo catalogs available online on www.naxos.com (www.hnh.com at the time) in 1996 and when we launched our Naxos Music Library in 2002.
Most think of Marco Polo as Venetian, but although he set off from the Italian city for his great Asian odyssey, and lived there later in life, evidence points to his origins in a ship-building family from here, the coast of Dalmatia.
For a slice of Italy, head one block west of the circus to Marco Polo Pizza, or try Pizza de la Casa: its outlets are on Peace Avenue (west of the State Department Store) and across from the Ulaanbaatar Hotel.