Indeed, the Jobs Model could be named for geniuses like Bell, Edison or Marconi.
Muckrakers, tabloids and wire services have been doing this since the days of Gutenberg and Marconi.
Lord Simpson, similarly, reckons that the value in Marconi's hardware businesses lies in its customers.
Soon after Marconi was listed on the Nasdaq exchange, its share value fell sharply.
Like Britain's Marconi, the group moved too swiftly from holding cash to having crushing debts.
Marconi was not fooling when he chose, for the first image transmitted by television, a ventriloquist's dummy.
If it all works, Marconi will turn a collection of boring product businesses into new online services.
Marconi was moving heavily into broadband communications equipment and optical switches at the cutting edge of technology.
That is an attractive customer base if Marconi can find ways of adding to what these companies buy.
In 1900, Marconi patented improvements for transmitters and receivers that solved the problem of the jamming of wireless signals.
British news reports say Huawei's in discussions to purchase struggling telecoms icon Marconi.
Petersburg, Florida, were signing billion-dollar deals to make mobile phones for Motorola and Ericsson and communications gear for Marconi.
In the first quarter of Marconi's financial year, beginning in April, sales in its core business fell by 25%.
But I wagered as to how Ford, Marconi and other visionaries had felt when faced with this type of situation.
Marconi has signed a deal with Coca-Cola which will put the 8.5m vending machines in its biggest global markets online.
The world's third-largest telecom equipment maker saw its earnings and net margin impeded by the 2006 acquisition of Britain's ailing Marconi.
Lieutenant Colonel Al-Kitbi said contracts would also be signed for armament and communications with France's Thomson-CSF and Anglo-Italian firm Alenia Marconi.
Marconi's difficulties are also only an exaggerated form of the problems of all equipment makers, including France's Alcatel and America's Lucent.
On a visit to the General Post Office, he gained the support of the Engineer-in-chief, who arranged for Marconi to have an assistant.
All eyes will be on Lord Simpson as he tries to restore Marconi's fortunes, following his decision to stay on as chief executive.
But since those industry leaders also hit the same storm that has broken over Marconi, they have been in no position to buy.
Marconi still has some of the rag-bag of smaller industrial interests from its past, such as medical electronics systems, petrol pumps and retail automation.
Marconi reckons that America is more important than Europe, in order both to keep up with technology and to be close to its customers.
During the second world war at Marconi he was part of the team that invented a radio direction-finder which was fitted to British bombers.
In 1896, Marconi obtained his first patent and in 1897, he formed the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company Limited with his cousin Henry Jameson Davis.
As Marconi shows, the company has been on an acquisition spree, buying small multimedia outfits to boost its messaging capabilities, like making phones ready for videoconferencing.
Marconi plans to emulate the business model of companies such as Cisco and outsource 70% of its manufacturing, keeping only the most sensitive high-technology stuff in-house.
But the explosion of broadband demand that Marconi was banking on has failed to happen, weakening demand for its upmarket optical switches for the foreseeable future.
Prime contractor for the AfriStar satellite was Alcatel Space with Marta Marconi Space, a joint venture of Britain's General Electric and France's Lagardere the major sub-contractor.
The new Marconi shares are expected to change hands at about 48p, reflecting the company's more solid financial footing now that its debts have been restructured.