Well-known marine animals, such as whales or dolphins represent a tiny fraction of marine biodiversity.
They can also be swallowed by marine animals like whales and turtles, causing them to starve.
Bags and small plastic pieces can entangle marine animals causing them to drown.
The high resolution swim speed sensors provide some of the most accurate data available on the swim speeds of marine animals.
Mr Bird said the information from the survey would help scientists to understand what effect, if any, marine renewable projects might have on marine animals.
Although the crocodiles spend most of their life in salt water, they are not considered marine animals as they rely on land for food and water.
Members of the History of Marine Animals Project (HMAP) believe that scrutinizing the minutiae of historical documents is the key to protecting our oceans for generations to come.
Sunk just off Key West , an island in the Straits of Florida, in 2009, the Vandenberg is the second-largest artificial reef in the world, attracting a diverse range of marine animals and plant life.
She is celebrated twice each year in formal temple fairs, when Meizhou residents, farmers and fisherfolk temporarily suspend their work to sacrifice marine animals, venerate statues of Mazu and enjoy a variety of dances and other performances.
"As this is a new technology, we do not know its full environmental impacts, for example on large marine animals like seals and cetaceans, and seabed species and habitats located downstream of the proposal in the lough, " she said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Sea power to provide electricity
Marine plants and animals oysters, barnacles and coral deposit calcitic skeletons that add weight, stability, and longevity to the infrastructure.
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Richard O' Barry is the World Society for the Protection of Animals' marine mammal specialist.
It was of "particular importance" given the negative impact of plastic bags on the environment, animals and marine species, he said.
Dr. Kenney, who died Feb. 14 at age 77, played physician to all the marine park's captive animals, including penguins, dolphins and Google the Great, a one-ton elephant seal he personally bagged in Mexico.
For many, however, this is a hot topic as some have suggested a direct connection between the presence of domestic cats and toxo-related infections in other animals, primarily land and marine mammals.
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The animals are brought into captivity for medical tests once a year, which allowed the marine biologists to record and study their calls.
Relatively little data existed on health problems in marine mammals in the 1960s, and Dr. Kenney pioneered basic health care for many of the animals he treated.