In 2010, the company launched the Pepsi Refresh Project, its main marketing campaign for the brand.
SunPower plans to offer a 2.5-kilowatt system as part of its marketing campaign with Ford.
Teen actress Hayden Panettiere will serve as Candie's spokesperson for the spring marketing campaign.
Cool products must appeal to the right group, the early targets of the marketing campaign.
Today, coinciding with our rebrand to Danske Bank, we are also launching our new marketing campaign.
The Ascend W1 will be supported by a significant ATL marketing campaign across UK media.
Consider the recent marketing campaign of United Healthcare, one of the largest insurers in the country.
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But Golden Wonder's demise isn't just a study in how not to run a marketing campaign.
Meanwhile, there are two other sites for bat-fans to explore in the viral marketing campaign.
FORBES: Bruce Wayne Responds, New Sites Revealed In 'The Dark Knight Rises' Viral Marketing
He initiated a marketing campaign that promised to bring a championship to New England.
Trying to explain subtleties in relation to making a marketing campaign work locally can be a challenge.
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The Restaurant Association (RA) has branded the FSA's marketing campaign as being offensive and in bad taste.
In January 2011, it introduced a marketing campaign to promote this point of differentiation from its competitors.
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It would be too hard to explain Pepsi's new marketing campaign in a 30-second TV spot, he adds.
Insiders would remember the guerilla marketing campaign BMW employed to introduce Mini in the U.S. market in 2002.
Diners visited a new restaurant after viewing an online marketing campaign at twice the rate of diners overall.
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Much of the current marketing campaign is being conducted on foot, with salesmen and other workers making house calls.
Last month Spurs player Gareth Bale was signed for the BT marketing campaign.
Part of the company's marketing campaign is using Glasgow-based social media platform, KILTR.
The council promised a marketing campaign to encourage increased use of the bikes.
The new marketing campaign focused on the team as opposed to individual players.
The program is more than just a marketing campaign for American Express, although it certainly qualifies as that, too.
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Imax President Greg Foster credited the studio's marketing campaign with the ability to stoke viewer anticipation for the film.
Still, Nike will probably engage in a heavy marketing campaign over the summer given the coming Olympics and Euro Cup.
"The cider market is not as seasonal as you might think, " said Mr Breen, who runs a year-round marketing campaign.
But people should not be fooled into thinking that Klout is the standard to base a digital marketing campaign on.
As spokeswomen for their own brand, the threesome sold it better than any high-profile advertising or marketing campaign ever could.
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Make sure your cause marketing campaign is big enough, and adaptable enough, to counter whatever your competition throws at you.
Bank of America is betting on a digital only launch for a marketing campaign behind one of its newest products.
FORBES: Bank of America Goes Digital Only For Launch Of Merrill Edge
Unlike BlackBerry, Windows Phone 8 unveiled its new products and marketing campaign early enough to make some progress last year.