Unquestionably, they have attracted huge numbers of customers fast, with modest marketing cost.
But the company, which today has more than 50 million users, has since accepted that offering free accounts is a legitimate marketing cost, said Sujay Jaswa, Dropbox's head of business development.
From guerrilla marketing techniques that cost little or nothing to how-to info for building your social media profile and personal brand, there is plenty of actionable info in here.
To a lot of the people I know in the ski industry and in the big mountain towns, the mass marketing of Cloudveil cost the brand cache, and Sullivan apparently feels the same way.
We were deep into the Great Recession, more businesses than not were scrambling to survive in the face of vastly changed fortunes, and it was more difficult than ever before to disabuse non-marketing senior management of their conviction that marketing is a cost center, not an investment.
At least some portion of the cost on these products, Whitman said, was booked as a marketing expense, not as cost of goods sold.
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We did not include the cost of marketing and distributing each film in our calculation.
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You approach your boss to propose a marketing move that will cost the company a pretty penny.
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But asking them to pay premium rates for both is unreasonable and drives the cost of marketing on Facebook into the stratosphere.
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The benefits of aggressive marketing often outweigh the cost of settlements.
To compete both on cost and marketing, big car firms have had to squeeze a variety of new models onto ever fewer basic chassis and engine designs.
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The most powerful and cost effective marketing tool is publicity.
With regard to distribution or marketing expense, the cost to sell and design the plan is the same regardless of the number of participants as long as you are dealing with one decision maker.
With the company committed to cutting down on its Average Unit Cost and marketing, general and administrative expenses, we expect that the EBITDA margin for this division will gradually increase to around 25% by the end of our forecast period.
Now, under new rules adopted in June by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, they'll have to amortize the production costs over no more than ten years and immediately expense the marketing (which can cost as much as making the film).
Economists tell us that outsourcing has driven down the cost of everything from the clothes and household items we buy at WalMart to the cost of social marketing, ad creation and even telephone services.
The contribution margins are profit margins calculated after subtracting cost of revenues and marketing expenses from revenues.
Now Cisco, Oracle and Sun are each committing themselves to long-term marketing campaigns that are likely to cost billions of dollars.
This may well increase the future cost of revenue and marketing.
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The second reason is that if you can track the success of advertising, especially if you can follow sales leads, then marketing ceases to be just a cost-centre, with an arbitrary budget allocated to it.
Fluxman is cagey about cost breakdowns but allows that Steiner cedes 50% of its shipboard revenue to the host cruise line, which shares marketing expenses and absorbs the entire cost of spa construction, which can be considerable.
In that plan, I explained why I think fast-tracking Justice League is a mistake that will cost the project important marketing positions and anticipation, and will put the success of all other solo franchises at the mercy of Justice League, leaving little room for mistakes.
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The cost and integration time of marketing automation tools vary on a case by case basis.
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These days, however, most college bowl game partners generally take neither a cost-effective nor creative marketing approach.
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That stunt cost a tiny sum in marketing terms, but earned the company huge traffic from Digg's record-industry-hating users.
My big secret to content marketing success is that it does not cost as much money as you might think.
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And in my opinion, the cost to do so is a steal when you compare that cost against other channels of marketing.
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