• Marlborough College in Wiltshire has expressed an interest in what it calls a collaboration with a school in Swindon.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Push for private school sponsors

  • Singleton himself says he remembers the young Middleton studying away in preparation for her General Certificate of Secondary Education (GSCE) at Marlborough College.

    FORBES: Kate Middleton's Childhood Home Up For Grabs

  • Marlborough exemplified England's class system, for it lay in the shadow of Marlborough College, one of the nation's great public schools, a preserve of tradition and privilege.

    ECONOMIST: William Golding

  • A. Butler, a child of empire if ever there was one, describes his failing the Eton scholarship (the mere fact that his family wanted a scholarship would have told the discerning something about his origins) and being consigned to the outer darkness of Marlborough school and Pembroke College, Cambridge.

    ECONOMIST: The British empire

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