Almost overnight, a legend was born: Wilde the homosexual martyr, Wilde the moral rebel.
"She's a martyr, suffering the trials and tribulations of being married to a filmmaker!"
"And all parties must say clearly that a murderer is not a martyr, " he said.
The mayor can no longer reap easy popularity by presenting himself as a martyr.
Far from silencing Father Jankowski, his suspension seems to have made a martyr of him.
"Harvey Milk was victimized and became a martyr for a cause, " Weiss said.
Like Batman walking away, all martyr-like at the end of The Dark Knight, Bezos too can take it.
To decide that this man is a martyr or not a martyr, it is a pure religious matter.
Mr Karbaschi may personally be martyr to his own forthrightness, but his courage shows the way for others.
In the Roman Catholic Church, a person was traditionally declared a martyr if they died for refusing to renounce their faith.
You play the martyr when asked to do something beyond your job description.
" In truth, Mary was a martyr to her own imprudence, Mr. Massie concludes: "Her political folly was .
The comparison with the Christian martyr pierced by the arrows of the unfaithful may not quite fit the senator.
Emily Davison became a martyr for the suffragette movement, which turned radical around the beginning of the 20th century.
BBC: News | UK Politics | Benn's secret tribute to suffragette martyr
Last month the annual commemoration of the death of Shia Muslims' favourite martyr, the Imam Hossein, was unusually subdued.
ECONOMIST: Iran's struggle: The regime tightens its belt and its fist | The
In this new universe, you learn that you, DeWitt, also existed, and were killed as a martyr for the cause.
FORBES: An Attempt to Understand BioShock Infinite's Brilliant and Bizarre Ending
But because of the commission's reluctance to make an Afrikaner martyr of him, nobody expects him to suffer serious punishment.
Without a hint of irony, he says he expects to become a martyr to the cause, just like Mandela and Gandhi.
One such martyr is Lasantha Wickrematunge, editor of the Sunday Leader in Colombo until his still unsolved murder on Jan. 8.
Instead the FA is being made, unfairly, to look incompetent, and Ferdinand is being transformed into a martyr by misguided England team-mates.
Whether he was a Protestant or Catholic martyr, she could not say.
His office was crammed with souvenirs of his peregrinations: sphinxes, skulls, obelisks, a bright-green wall clock bearing the likeness of a Shia martyr.
The ceremony to confirm him as a martyr was carried out by Sikh leaders at the Akal Takht, the religion's Golden Temple headquarters.
Mr Hussein is not much liked in the region, but he is feared more as a potential martyr than as a hobbled dictator.
When he picked him up after the treatments, the expression Obie wore was that of a martyr, his eyes misshapen and dark with pain.
Incredibly, some even came to think of the late President Sadat no longer as a traitor for making peace with Israel, but as a martyr.
Karbala is where Muslim martyr Imam Hussein bin Ali -- grandson of the prophet Mohammed -- was killed and entombed more than 1, 300 years ago.
One legend contends that Valentine was a Christian martyr executed for standing up to the Roman emperor who wanted to ban soldiers from getting married.
The deposed Iraqi president did not allow Shiites to walk to the Tomb of Hussein, a Muslim martyr who was killed more than 1, 300 years ago.
"Sometimes, it's important to keep the scars so you remember how bad it was, " renowned Lebanese architect Nabil Gholam told me on a tour of Martyr's Square.