He's a marvelous person, a really sweet and calm guy.
NPR: News Of Pistorius Leaves Many In Disbelief
They are indeed, but there's a peculiar catch: The marvelous theatricality of the movie as a whole seldom extends to its central performance.
WSJ: Holy Melancholy, 'Batman'!
The New Amsterdam Room, originally the men's smoking retreat, is a marvelous elliptical space ringed with rotund plaster columns resembling gray Caen stone, and murals of New York from Dutch days to 1900.
WSJ: Miracle on 42nd Street | By Ada Louise Huxtable
Gabriela's -- Inexpensive, marvelous Mexican food served in a child- friendly, fiesta atmosphere.
FORBES: Fact and Comment
The buffet dinner beforehand was a marvelous opportunity to network with Buffett's cronies, who include some of the best investment minds in the nation.
FORBES: From Omaha, Buffett Sees Clear To China
The fact that the Youngers are black now seems less like an innovation than a detail, though it's marvelous to see how precisely Ms. Hansberry caught the tone of black life in the 1950s.
WSJ: Home Truths | A Raisin in the Sun | Othello | Theater Review by Terry Teachout
His most recent book, "The Quality of Mercy, " is a sequel to "Sacred Hunger, " and while it is smaller and less ambitious than its predecessor, it is a marvelous story told in Mr. Unsworth's typically polished prose.
WSJ: A Tribute to Barry Unsworth | Dear Book Lover
Cat is adding seven new product lines by 2000, including handlers and knuckleboom loaders used in the Southeast U.S. The 1997 acquisition of Sweden's Skgsjan has led to the marvelous new 570 Harvester, a six-wheel beast that grabs a fallen tree, delimbs it and cuts it to 5-foot lengths for board--in ten seconds.
FORBES: Sharpening the claws
Two of Hines's most prominent self-confessed devotees were Teddy Wilson, who performed a marvelous two-piano duet with Hines in 1965 (available on YouTube) and Nat King Cole, both of whom were nearly as influential as Hines himself.
WSJ: Fatha Played Well With Others | Earl Hines | By Will Friedwald
Aaron Freeman, better known as Gene Ween of the band Ween, is releasing an album of McKuen songs this week: "Marvelous Clouds" (Partisan), a loving review of Mr. McKuen's most familiar compositions, performed with charm and reverence.
WSJ: Rod McKuen | Gene Ween, Roses Are Red | By Jim Fusilli