Marx, the son of a former Harvard statistics professor, grew up in Cambridge, Mass.
Hannigan, 50, and Marx, 35, fed up with the ways of big corporations, founded the company in 1991.
She appeared as a contestant on Groucho Marx's show "You Bet Your Life" in 1957.
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Readings will include writing by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin and Virginia Woolf.
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Mr. GROUCHO MARX (Comedian): Years ago when there were many songs written about mothers.
Chicago Tribune reporter Gary Marx(ph) is in Havana and joins us on the line.
Philosopher Karl Marx, poet Christina Rossetti and novelist George Eliot are buried in the cemetery.
Novy-Marx has been working this theme for a while, and not everybody agrees with him.
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Yet there were no studies of fossils showing how the pygmy whale had evolved, Marx said.
Karl Marx used Crusoe's one-person domestic production as an allegory for economy in its simplest form.
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On his bookshelf, sandwiched between Chinese works on Marx, are two slim English volumes on Business Cycles.
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Gifted, energetic and fascinated by political ideas, he was nevertheless ready to play second fiddle to Marx.
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Mine, by far, is A Night at the Opera, featuring the brothers Marx.
He is not to be classed with Marx, Ricardo and Smith, he is very definitely post the marginalist revolution.
His fourth wife, Barbara, had been married to one of the Marx brothers.
Both Slim and Khan spoke at the event, which was moderated by New York Public Library CEO Anthony W. Marx.
Progressive thinkers from Plato to Rousseau down to Marx sought to shrink the nuclear family in favor of the collective.
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That is why the government-bond yield is the appropriate measure for discounting public liabilities, as Messrs Rauh and Novy-Marx assert.
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But many of her readers reacted to her writings in much the same way that leftists reacted to reading Marx.
Mr. GARY MARX (Reporter, Chicago Tribune): Well, you know, I think this is pretty much what Fidel has said in public.
Mr Marx, who came to the UK in September, worked at the Sydney office of law firm Minter Ellison Rudd Watts.
His predecessor Daniel Marx, Mr Cavallo's deputy who resigned last Friday, is also reportedly waiting for a tap on the shoulder.
It has served the global electorate through its successes and failures which have illuminated the basic insights of Smith and Marx.
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For the next 20 years Engels worked grumpily away, handing over half his generous income to an ever more demanding Marx.
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Capitalism is, however, a disequilibrium dynamic stochastic system as Marx, Wicksell, Schumpeter and Hayek have told us over the past two centuries.
"We continue to fight a losing battle against weather and congestion in that part of the country, " says Comair spokeswoman Kate Marx.
Taking a page from the physics of Isaac Newton, Marx argued that similar laws of cause and effect determine the course of history.
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Its founder and director is David Kelley, who, with a thick black mustache and black-framed eyeglasses, looks like Groucho Marx, without the cigar.
Neither the followers of Adam Smith nor those of Karl Marx seem to be conscious of the prevalence and effect of wild randomness.
The film comes to a climax with a ferocious argument in a tiny room, a scene that is half Marx Brothers, half Sophocles.