It may be best understood as a mash up of Instagram and group messaging tools like GroupMe and Beluga.
What a mash up of neglected stocks (MSFT, INTC, ORCL) with those that have been on a tear (AAPL, GOOG, AMZN).
They also tend to mash up or layer multiple types of data to understand correlations (e.g. vegetation health and levels of specific contaminants).
"Mash up a ripe avocado and plaster it over your face for 15 minutes - you'll smell like a chicken salad but your skin will feel revitalised, " reckoned Coombe.
However the document recognises that many children are weaned before the age of six months and advises parents to mash up their own low-salt and low-sugar foods rather than rely on commercial baby foods.
Two flexible Sample Decks can add up to eight simultaneous one-shot samples or beat-synced loops to the mix, opening up creative remixing and mash-up possibilities that go far beyond conventional DJing techniques.
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Silicon Valley cartographers held their first mash-up camp in February in Mountain View, Calif.
The way we live and work is already a creative, blended, hybrid 24-hour mash-up.
Mr Murakami's version is lurid and surreal, a thrilling mash-up of ancient imagery and trippy effects (detail pictured).
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Some companies have used "biodata" (a mash-up of the words biography and data).
He and Madonna performed a mash-up of Open Your Heart and Express Yourself.
Hey, maybe they could do a duet together, a mash-up of Like a Rolling Stone and Like a Virgin?
It says the application should provide information about possible domestic and global threats superimposed onto maps "using mash-up technology".
Once you mash it up into goo so you can consume much more it doesn't really have the same effect.
His computers, printers, and other accessories were made by a mash-up of manufacturers from Dell and Lenovo to Brother and HP.
Despite the growing fact-fiction mash-up, most readers prefer one or the other.
This new mash-up of models brings anonymous consumer transaction data center stage.
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They are a neo-German mash-up (she is an Ossi, he a Greek-Franconian hybrid) and like the idea that Germany is heading their way.
From visual cues to plot beats and character arcs, it feels like a mash-up of the various high-profile science fiction thrillers from the last few decades.
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With "Unholy Night, " a fully invented tale based on enigmatic biblical figures, Mr. Grahame-Smith aims to prove that he is more than just a mash-up artist.
Welch believes "Offensive Combat, " which was designed as a mash-up of different constructs, offers a more irreverent and light-hearted approach to the genre than more realistic shooters.
The most impressive mash-up may well be the title track, courtesy of Cameroon's favorite son, Manu Dibango, along with Le Grand Kalle and Cuban flutist Don Gonzalo.
It included versions of the national mash-up, emadatse, which combines ingredients like potatoes, cheese, and rice with chilies whose heat levels range from pleasantly sinus-dilating to throat-singeing to turns-your-head-into-a-cartoon-factory-whistle.
In more recent years, it has found new life as an ironic mash-up, suggested in the "Home Alone" scream and copied in a cartoon of Homer Simpson as the tortured Nordic soul.
After a day in the cultural mash-up that is Doha, eating camel (similar to goat in taste) on the roof of a Moroccan restaurant in Qatar will not seem strange at all.
Cirque du Soleil offers a mash-up of comedy, drama, stunts and romance at a ticket price that makes it appear to be the equal of performing arts without exacting an emotional price.
Mash-up artist Girl Talk may have more than 300 samples on his new album, Feed the Animals, but creator Greg Gillis says that he has only 100 MP3s on his laptop.
But its new release, called ArcGIS 9.2, will let any user publish a map online so it can be revised by another user, like a Google mash-up but with far more sophisticated data sets.