He then groveled for an unpaid summer internship at Brooklyn Brewery: long days of mashing, fermenting and brewing.
The game, especially in the beginning, hounds me with quick-time events, button-mashing illusions of control.
And in home kitchens, there was a revival of potato mashing and pancake flipping.
Unless you play on the highest difficulty setting, button-mashing is often enough to get past normal enemies.
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At the landfill's flat and dusty summit, a dozen bulldozers and graders swarm every day, backing and turning and mashing and shaping.
Mashing up TV with the iOS software ecosystem will surely lead to some interesting results (Netflix, tellingly, already has apps for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch).
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It is brewed with an extended mashing time, in which the carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars that are then fermented into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
The bigger picture problem with the Wagenaar paper is that it is derived from mashing together the results of 50 original studies containing a total of 340 estimates.
Those seeking inspiration for the perfect pitch or prank might look at Itsthisforthat.com, which generates often absurd capsule descriptions of Internet start-ups by mashing up existing business concepts and buzzwords.
From our few minutes mashing the controller, it seems that timing and position are more important than ever with such fundamental mechanics, and ones that we picked up pretty quickly.
If I'm feeling impish, I can switch them all around by swirling the track wheel and mashing a few backlit buttons while I'm walking from the living room to the bedroom.
They decided to play in All Random, All Mid (ARAM) mode, forgoing traditional strategy and more or less just mashing up all 10 of their characters in the middle of the map.
Many of us whiled away untold hours of our youth mashing the D-pad, A and B buttons of the original Game Boy, which is why we've seen many hacks using its iconic hardware.
And when it's time to combine the two, the chef suggests straining the sweet potato mixture by mashing it down into the strainer with a metal ladle, to keep any chunky bits from getting into the pie.
This does have the downside of this system, in which the player may have to point his thumbstick in a range of directions while mashing the jump button until the correct move is reached by a process of elimination.
But I still find that learning moves, figuring out which weapons and combos work on specific enemies, and taking time to approach each fight with a bit of strategy rather than just button-mashing actually pays off quite a bit.
Pamela Fox, a 22-year-old computer science grad student who builds Amazon mashups for fun, recently did a mashup of maps and corporate data for Chevron as a class project--crunching what would be a weeks-long project into one hour of mashing.
By mashing together all of the city's numerous data sources, his team has more than doubled the hit rate for discovering stores selling bootlegged cigarettes and had a fivefold increase in the success rate of building inspectors looking for illegal conversions.
While there are certainly highly-skilled and in-demand professionals who are able to parlay their hired-gun status into big paydays or renaissance workers who are mashing up day jobs and dream jobs, those who benefit financially from the gig economy are in the minority.
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The idea was to pop the D3200 into manual mode, force the shutter to stay open for 30 to 60 seconds while on a tripod, and use the camera to trigger the shutter as to avoid camera shake from mashing the button on the body itself.