Unlike his father (who had some 20, 000 people, mostly civilians, slaughtered in the city of Hama in 1982), the younger Mr Assad has not been a mass-murderer, even if he orders the occasional assassination.
The only likely additional dividend from Libya's gratitude for the hand-over would be a commercial one, for instance in the country's rich hydrocarbons business and swapping a mass-murderer for an oil contract would be disgraceful.
What is the maximum a company should spend on its supply chain controls to avoid sponsoring a mass-rapist or murderer?
Imagine how much more reluctant families will be to accept a diagnosis now if there is a link in their minds with being a potential mass murderer -- even when there is no evidence whatsoever this is the case.
We have made clear that given the threat that Osama bin Laden represents -- represented rather -- to the United States, given that he was the most wanted man in the world -- a mass murderer, a terrorist who continued to plot against the United States and our allies -- that the President would use whatever means necessary to ensure that we could eliminate him.
This vision was captured most vividly by the so-called Shahbag movement, a spontaneous gathering in Dhaka of thousands of artists, students and ordinary people who rallied to demand the death penalty for another Jamaat-e-Islami mass murderer let off with a life sentence by the court in February.
This would be an excellent opportunity to discuss the health of recently released mass murderer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, convicted of destroying Pan Am Flight 103 and killing 270 people, including 189 Americans, and now free in Tripoli, Libya.
In 1995, I covered the controversy when The New York Times and The Washington Post, where I then worked, published another manifesto, this one a 35, 000-word ramble by the mass murderer known as the Unabomber.
Even as their favorite "moderates" - who at various times have included Arafat, Abbas, security chief Muhammad Dahlan, convicted mass murderer Marwan Barghouti, former PA prime minister Ahmed Qurei and current Fatah Prime Minister Salam Fayad - have all been implicated in terror attacks and funding, both Israel and the US have remained unstinting in their view.
The Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik wrote a racist slur about Stella Mwangi, a Norway-based Kenyan singer who represented Norway in the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest, his diary has revealed.
FORBES: Norwegian Killer Anders Behring Breivik Hated Kenyan Musician