The mass action is being put together by KwikChex, a company which monitors online reputations.
Since the planned mass action was revealed Mr Naudi has been speaking about his experiences across the media.
But for mass action to take place, any generation must feel threatened.
In addition, the theory of homeopathy actually defies conventional scientific understanding--in particular, the law of mass action, which demands that the rates of chemical reactions be proportional to the concentrations of substances involved.
By the middle of August, Mr Moi and his advisers realised that they risked being undone by a combination of international isolation, mass action at home by advocates of reform, rising crime and a deteriorating economy.
Public sector trade unions have already said they will go ahead with ballots for mass strike action on 30 November over pensions, after talks with ministers failed to reach a breakthrough.
Security forces last week tried to arrest him after he walked out on direct talks with Mr Ravalomanana, accusing his rival of dismissing opposition grievances and pledging to revert to mass street action.
The last significant action was a mass brawl in the final minute, sparked by Thackray.
In the days since the tragedy in Newtown, Americans from all over the country have called for action to deter mass shootings and reduce gun violence.
Desiree Risebury of the GMB union, whose members are also taking part in the strike, said workers had voted unanimously in favour of continuing the industrial action at a mass meeting on Thursday morning.
Relatively few countries even allow class actions (Brazil and Canada do, although few cases are filed) and the track record of jailed mass-tort and class action lawyers like Dickie Scruggs, Bill Lerach and Mel Weiss speaks to the deep corruption that is always lurking around this form of litigation.
FORBES: The U.S. Legal System: Good At Some Things, Wretched At Others
Union members at Ford's Southampton Transit factory will hold a mass meeting on Monday to discuss possible action over its closure.
But the mounting deaths and associated trauma from mass shootings should motivate us to take action to make needed reforms to our gun laws, focus law enforcement resources on combating illegal gun possession and invest in prevention initiatives proven to reduce gun violence.
It will take a long time, maybe forever, for a critical mass of Republicans to translate this insight into action that can transform our political reality.
FORBES: Marco Rubio's Speech Proves Obama Has the GOP Beat on Foreign Policy
We needed action immediately or we might hit critical mass.
FORBES: Reinhart and Rogoff; and The Dangers of Tipping Points, Real and Otherwise
The craze in Finland at the time was for physics games, in which the action in a game replicates the force and mass of the physical world instead of cartoonish explosions and speeds.
Militias that have held sway in much of Libya since the revolution that toppled Moammar Gadhafi last October appear to have rapidly retreated in recent days amid mass demonstrations that appear to have emboldened the government to take action.
It facilitates joint action to detect and defeat the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
At a Sunday mass, he urged Christians, Muslims and Jews to take bold action to bring about peace in their region.
Chicago already has some of the toughest gun control laws in the US. But the rising homicide rate - up 17% in the last year - combined with the national outrage over the mass shooting at a school in Connecticut has prompted calls for further action.
Their decision to opt for CPI has seen three trustees resign, mass meetings of members being called in protest at the decision, and the threat of High Court action.