The second development is that the Internet has created the unprecedented capacity for mass collaboration.
FORBES: Connect
This allowed anyone to build their own windowfarm and then contribute to improving the design as part of a mass collaboration.
FORBES: Windowfarms R&D-I-Y: Lessons for Crowdsourcing Innovation & Incentivizing Engagement
That's led some utopians, like Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams, authors of the book "Wikinomics, " to predict the rise of "mass collaboration" as the new form of economic organization.
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Moderated by Don Tapscott, author of Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World, among other books, panelists were unanimous in their belief that the ubiquity of the Internet, along with the emergence of Web-based platforms that enable mass collaboration and crowd-sourcing, hold the key to rapid creation and development of new startups.
FORBES: How To Start Up U.S. Job Growth: Nurture Startups
One consumer website in particular has already cracked the problem of building easy-to-use collaboration tools with mass appeal.
In a review updated earlier this month, Natural Standard Research Collaboration, a Cambridge, Mass.
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As for whether it works for sharpening the brain or minimizing damage from a stroke "the jury is out, " says Catherine Ulbricht, co-founder of Natural Standard Research Collaboration, a Cambridge, Mass.
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