And religious organisations may not control any electronic mass medium: no Jaime Bakker or Patricio Robertson here.
South Korea, separated from the North by the world's most heavily armed border, said the test launches would further deepen its neighbor's international isolation, sour public opinion in the South toward Pyongyang and hurt efforts to control weapons of mass destruction.
Many gamers felt the original ending was out of place with the themes of choice and control present throughout the Mass Effect series.
FORBES: These Three Characters Are Coming Back For Mass Effect 3's Expanded Ending
The Gbaya in the east and Banda in the west control the largest land mass, although since independence in 1960 until Patasse gained power, the country been controlled by the southern Oubanguiens and Ngbandi.
The need for tighter scrutiny is evident in claims reported by the New York Times about quality control issues at Westborough, Mass.
Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer now proposes a new "international regime" to control and destroy weapons of mass destruction, as an alternative to the US strategy of threatening military force.
Mass media largely gave it the ability to control the message about its products.
The government can control the industry and keep out mass-market safari companies because it has strict licensing guidelines for travel companies.
"In all of pandemic planning it has been recognized for some time that cancellation of mass gatherings is not an effective way to control influenza, " Gustafson said.
While there are differences of opinions regarding Georgia, Scheffer said member states "share common security interests, " including stability in Afghanistan, arms control, nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and concerns over drug trafficking, piracy and terrorism.
Numerous articles have been published that explain why additional federal gun control laws will not prevent the next mass-shooting incident.
President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Denver, Colorado, on Wednesday to highlight the bill as part of a campaign for national gun control measures in the wake of a mass shooting at a primary school in December, in the state of Connecticut.
The control group showed a decrease in soleus muscle mass and strength, the development of insulin resistance, and a loss of bone mineral density and resistance to breakage.
Rick Huffman, another CNN iReporter and a retired police officer, cut up his NRA membership card in the wake of the mass shooting, which he said changed his views on gun control.
The countries represented at the summit pledged a co-ordinated fight against the disease and issued a declaration that mass culling of infected poultry flocks was the best way to control its spread.
By getting into the mass-market trenches, he argued, the company could assert control at the market's lower end.
Gun control is not the total answer to the problem of mass shootings, but it plainly needs to be part of any meaningful response.
Only when Centers for Disease Control and Prevention scientists sent a suspect sample to the mass spectrometer did they discover the new variety of swine flu, according to an article describing the techniques in Science magazine.
Our goal is to take the smaller equipment that's flexible, put it on vessels of opportunity, and then coordinate better with our local state partners, including National Guard overflights, local fishermen's associations, and so forth, mass our effect and get it pointed up with a command and control system that can attack it on all levels.
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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also maintains an excellent collection of resources on mass casualty event preparedness and response.
The problem of cyber arms control is akin to the greatest arms control failure of the Cold War, which still persists: the mass distribution of the most produced firearm in human history, the Kalashnikov AK-47.
These give viewers control over what they watch and when they watch it, meaning that the mass television audience will be further fragmented.
Following high-profile mass killings in the United States, there often is a surge in news coverage about gun control.
They found that teenagers who could control their anger and responded appropriately when angry were more likely to have lower body mass indexes.
His hasty mass-privatisation programme, which made ordinary Czechs the formal owners of most enterprises but gave control to state-owned banks with no interest in improving them, created a crisis that culminated in a humiliating devaluation of the currency in May last year.
While it may not be a mass market case, there's a lot of folks like me who want to be able to control this activity.
ENGADGET: Entelligence: Mobile multitasking is mostly a myth
Biden led a panel assembled by Obama in December to examine gun control steps after the Newtown shootings, which sparked a fierce public debate over how to prevent such mass killings.
CNN: 'Enough is enough,' Feinstein says in proposing new gun ban
Despite the number of mass shootings in the United States in 2012, Boston said he believes the laws already set in place for gun control are plenty.
CNN: Marine to senator: 'No ma'am,' I won't register my guns