An orderly default however, involves the mass transfer of funds from north Europe to Greece.
BBC: What might a Greek default look like?
And it wants to partly privatise council housing through the mass transfer of estates from local authorities to housing associations.
BBC: Unions to tackle Blair on privatisation
One reason for optimism is that museums the world over have similar problems and nobody really believes a mass transfer of antiquities is practical.
ECONOMIST: Returning stolen property, perhaps
Furthermore, the fx-CP400 features a variety of functions designed to help students learn and instructors teach at school, including a USB mass storage function for quick and easy data transfer, and compatibility with Casio data projectors to enable the calculator's display to be projected on a screen.
ENGADGET: Casio's touchscreen graphing calculator arrives in 2013, makes the TI-84+ look dated
Yet, in spite of this, and though the company's traditional business is combined with a fast-growing online money transfer business, the complexity does not lie with the sheer mass of data per se, he insists.
BBC: Davos 2013: Firms risk drowning in customer data
The tradeoff worldview would have us choosing to do something meaningful in the world or transfer wealth to enrich ourselves and go to ever greater heights of voracious mass consumption.
FORBES: Is There Really a Tradeoff Between Meaning and Money?