And computational power is being unlocked like never before by new massively parallel computing paradigms like Hadoop.
Watson, harnesses a massively parallel network of 2, 000 to 3, 000 Power 7 computing cores in six refrigerator-size containers.
Big Data is any data that requires massively parallel computational techniques to handle.
Watson, harnesses a massively parallel network of two to three thousand Power 7 computing cores in six refrigerator-sized containers.
The second innovation was the development of multi-core processors and, equally important, the rise of programming for massively parallel processors.
This massively parallel processing horsepower transforms laptop computers into mobile super computers.
ENGADGET: NVIDIA debuts new slew of Quadro mobile GPUs, each sporting Optimus for battery life too
Neural networks and massively parallel computers, which can crunch huge amounts of data, dig out characteristics which are common to good customers.
Suffice it to say that along with Oracle database software, we'll need cheap, massively parallel machines as servers for these huge online databases.
Red Storm is a high-bandwidth, massively parallel processing supercomputing package, priced much lower than its flagship Cray X1 system, which it sells mostly to the government and military.
But don't massively parallel machines pose very sticky software problems?
Recently the concept of massively parallel processing has regained popularity as relatively inexpensive computers and large of amounts of memory can be combined to solve problems not previously able to be tackled.
Even Microsoft is getting into the game with its Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW) that enables SQL Server customers evolve their SQL databases to Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) architecture to take advantage of commodity hardware.
The first successful big data technology was enterprise data warehouses that implement massively parallel processing, scale to the petabytes, handle batch and real-time latencies with equal agility, and provide connectors to structured and unstructured sources.
Pricing 150, 000 equity options in a second or assessing how much crude oil sits in a pocket 6 miles below the earth's surface are massively parallel mathematical computing problems for which graphics processors are peculiarly equipped.
Erlang, developed by telecommunications company Ericsson for massively parallel computing in a phone network, then later released as an open source language, both influenced Scala and is enjoying some rebirth in the world of global data centers.