• Born in Upstate New York, Mr. Botticelli holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Siena College and a Master of Education degree from St.

    WHITEHOUSE: Michael Botticelli

  • Scott Carney, master sommelier and director of wine education at the International Culinary Center based in New York, teaches students to visualize the scent notes found in wine.

    WSJ: How to Sharpen Your Sense of Smell

  • S., the resident director of wine education and a master sommelier, who came bounding into the lounge one evening with a wire basket of empty bottles (from an outdoor tasting) and a waiter's corkscrew wagging from his back pocket.

    FORBES: Travel

  • They may not know it, but their ability to master basic skills may determine the shape of education in New Orleans.

    NPR: For Charter Schools, New Orleans Is Citywide Lab

  • Zelaya, 25, is pursuing a master's degree in education with hopes of earning a doctorate and teaching middle school.

    CNN: Joy, criticism greet immigration policy move

  • The know-how of Daemokjang has been handed down from generation to generation and takes decades of education and field experience to master.

    UNESCO: Culture

  • The ICT Competency Framework for Teachers aims at helping countries to develop comprehensive national teacher ICT competency policies and standards, and should be seen as an important component of an overall ICT in Education Master Plan.


  • Misstatements on coaches' resumes have occurred occasionally over the years, perhaps the most infamous example being when George O'Leary resigned as Notre Dame football coach five days after he was hired in 2001 when it turned out his claim of earning a master's degree in education was not true.

    WSJ: New Rutgers basketball coach doesn't have degree

  • Most of those jobs require some sort of advanced education, and since women currently earn around 60 percent of all associate, bachelor and master degrees, they are poised to fill the demand in these growing industries.

    FORBES: Forget The End Of Men -- Executive Women Still Fighting For Fair Chance

  • He received a master's degree from George Mason University's College of Education and Human Development in 2006, the university said.


  • The region's nimbler, more market-oriented colleges have been helped by the new practice of dividing education into chunks (bachelor's and master's degrees, for a start), with work sandwiched in between.

    ECONOMIST: Central European universities

  • In the 1960s, Byrd, who had received his master's degree from the Manhattan School of Music, turned his attention to jazz education.

    WSJ: Innovative jazz trumpeter Donald Byrd dies at 80

  • In joining the STEM Master Teachers Corps, these educators will make a commitment to champion the cause of STEM education in their respective communities, and will receive additional resources to mentor math and science teachers, inspire students, and help their communities grow.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces New Plan to Create STEM Master Teaching Corps | The White House

  • But as techniques that every teacher will need to master, I hope that they, like our current factory-model monolithic education system, will be relics of the past.

    FORBES: A Hope for Future Irrelevance

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