Under Vallas, elementary school reading and math test scores, though still low, are at seven-year highs.
Some 95% of Blind Brook eighth-graders met or exceeded state math test standards, compared with 61% statewide.
Only about 45% of elementary students passed state reading exams last year, and 33% passed the math test.
To this day, he said he still has dreams that he's working for O'Reilly, much like adults might dream they are missing a math test in school.
In one such experiment, subjects were able to cheat on a math test. (They were given access to the answers.) As expected, there was score inflation among those able to cheat.
Overall, 38 percent of Hispanic fourth-grade students were identified as English learners, as well as 20 percent of Hispanic eighth-grade students, according to the 2011 National Assessment of Education Progress math test.
The center console screen states one thing, the instant economy gauge states another and, the simple math division test basically (logically) states the CORRECT gas mileage, which is not off by a few miles per gallon but, by many.
Only a third of the applicants pass the harsh written exams, which test math, logic and analytic reasoning.
The law requires schools to test students for math and reading annually in third through eighth grades and once in high school.
Page quickly enlisted the help of math prodigy Sergey Brin to further test his theory.
The latest test scores show Chinese math students in Shanghai far ahead of Americans.
FORBES: China And India Eat Our Lunch Because They're Smart And Ambitious
The act requires states to test students in reading and math every year, and penalizes schools if they don't meet standards.
But by 2012, city children in third and fourth-grades had narrowed the test-score gap on math with their peers throughout the state but fell a few points short of pulling even.
Students there have achieved some of the highest test scores in the world in math and science.
The recent improvement, he speculates, may be the welcome byproduct of a upturn in math and reading skills, as measured by test scores, among minorities in the years before the students reach ninth grade.
Math game developer Sokikon, for example, references U.S. Department of Education-funded research correlating its games to progress in test scores and motivation to learn math (up to 15% improvement in one Arizona classroom).
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States receiving waivers still must test the covered students annually in math and reading, but they can design their own policies to help low-scoring campuses and won't have to subject them to closings or staff firings.
Thus, it is possible that some students made progress on lower-level math skills that were not detected by the state test.
"Accountability" has turned to test cramming and bean counting, often limited to basic reading and math skills.
Thanks to the actions of this Congress last year, we will soon have for the very first time a voluntary national test based on national standards in fourth grade reading and eighth grade math.
In terms of college readiness, 28% of those who took the test did not meet any of the four ACT readiness benchmarks in English, math, reading and science.
FORBES: High School Grads Even Less Prepared But At Least Doing Better In Math And Science