Lamborghini isn't exaggerating when it likens the interior to a jet fighter's cockpit -- the pilot gets a heads-up display as a matter of course, and has to climb over the car body just to crawl inside.
What the law will do is to ask people to consider making religious services accessible to disabled people as a matter of course - it is not a cast iron rule that every church, mosque, synagogue or temple has to have a wheelchair ramp.
Look, the truth of the matter is that if you look at the health care process -- just over the course of the year -- overwhelmingly the majority of it actually was on C-SPAN, because it was taking place in congressional hearings in which you guys were participating.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
And the sports minister added that the FA should have post-World Cup reviews as a matter of course.
Some dogs -- like Mordred's little companion Morgane the whippet -- give away their full and sloppy hearts as a matter of course.
Of course, all this belt-tightening and cost trimming would matter little if Iomega had nothing compelling to sell.
Of course, it would be naive to think that remuneration does not matter -- we all have bills to pay -- but only 11 percent of senior professionals cite their income as their main motivational driver.
The biggest takeaway may be that programmers sometimes don't have to do anything -- unprotected music and video in common formats are usually shareable as a matter of course, and it's only with photos or complicated conditions like playlists that a "contract" is needed to reach another screen or speaker.
Of course, no matter how opulent the cabins get, the best part of first-class flying may be off the plane.
Of course, there are some scandals that aren't granted leniency, no matter how well-timed or sincere the apology.
Discovery in this matter rolled over the course of seven months during which the defendant exhibited what charitably might be described as a laissez-faire approach.
FORBES: Privilege Waived? Federal Court Says Don't Blame Your Electronic Discovery Vendor
It also means that VoIP and broadband providers must use reversible-encryption if they want "secure" calling, which, of course, is a matter of time before it's broken and anyone can tap anything at anytime.