Chaplain Douglas Fenton is quite matter-of-fact as he tells the story of the severed foot.
Her questions ended not in an inquisitorial lilt but with a descending, matter-of-fact thud.
What is so shattering is the matter-of-fact tone of what the former slaves said.
Wearing a blue blazer and open-neck shirt, Armstrong was direct and matter-of-fact, neither pained nor defensive.
And his matter-of-fact, detailed explanation shows just how remarkable, and risky, the first moon mission really was.
He writes in a direct, matter-of-fact style that puts the horrors he is relating in dark relief.
And so it seemed very matter-of-fact that everyone was going to grow up and go to space.
Eurich says speaking with colleagues about the career change in a non-defensive, matter-of-fact tone earns respect and minimizes pity.
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Approach slowly in a matter-of-fact manner with a big treat in your hands.
As a matter-of-fact, it is irksome for me to clarify this non-existent issue.
Ever matter-of-fact, she liked that thought of transience, and always refused to sit for the painted portraits that might have lasted.
ECONOMIST: Dame Elizabeth Taylor, actress, died on March 23rd, aged 79
Karar tells me all of this in a very matter-of-fact way, and I ask him why he seems so unaffected by it.
CNN: War-scarred Baghdad places little faith in U.S. election
He has that serious matter-of-fact gritty look that should serve him well.
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X-ray plates and the surgeon's matter-of-fact prognosis, raises questions of its own.
He faced his end with incredible bravery, the kind of English bravery that is matter-of-fact, free of drama, and quietly endeavors to continue.
Then in a quick, business-like and matter-of-fact manner, the chair addressed Daschle for the first time by his new title -- majority leader.
Any fool could see, she explained in matter-of-fact tones, that it would be a mistake to proceed with medical treatment if the stars in heaven were aligned against me.
When asked about competition from Teledesic, Storey is suitably matter-of-fact.
As a consequence, misunderstandings often arise - "I'm sorry to have upset you, " a colleague will reply to an email I intended as a matter-of-fact response to a bit of university business.
Purves, a no-nonsense, matter-of-fact former entrepreneur in Australia, told me that the sea around Greenland is so warm that up to 100 new species of fish have been found recently.
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New Yorkers cannot help noticing that Mr Bloomberg's matter-of-fact public utterances, which often leave the impression that he would rather be elsewhere, are no match for Mr Giuliani's at their best.
He had only 4 months left to be Treasury Secretary and he could have come off as a greater hero than he actually was handling the crises in a matter-of-fact pragmatic manner.
Unpretentious, matter-of-fact, thoughtful and completely honest and dependable, I found him to be a true prince of a person and wise about the frailties of Wall Street and the proper course of leadership in crisis.
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Cheryl Strayed's luminous essay, "Love of My Life, " a precursor to the best-selling memoir "Wild, " uses matter-of-fact language to make vivid a character gripped by uncontrollable impulses, a woman who acts in order to feel.
The movie is superbly matter-of-fact in depicting subjects as different as the emotional cluelessness of proudly footloose teen-age boys, the level of ominous and explosive noise that the characters have learned to live with, the inability of well-meaning social workers to alter family traditions.
Liddell provides a day-by-day account of the unfolding drama, while the diaries' matter-of-fact writing style barely conceals how personal the betrayal was for the MI5 man who was close friends with some of the key protagonists and who struggled to believe what they had done.
Lisette was too frightened to react when the policewoman took hold of her arm at the elbow, not forcibly but firmly, as a female relation might, walking Lisette down the stairs, talking to her in a calm, kindly, matter-of-fact voice that signalled, You will be all right.
She uses dozens of beasts from the mythological canon and establishes new myths with matter-of-fact ease. (The idea of a Parselmouth a person who can speak to snakes seems ancient and fully formed.) She uses plot devices that could each fuel countless romantic comedies: a truth serum, transfiguration, time travel, invisibility, immortality, alchemy.