Bret Jacobson is the founder and president of Maverick Strategies, a communications firm.
Douglas Carswell told MPs that talk of withdrawal was now a "mainstream" rather than a "maverick" view.
But chairman Keith Vaz said an official register was needed to guard against "maverick decision making".
All falls are now judged by majority decision, so maverick referees cannot over-rule the judges.
His initial idea was to use gene databases being churned out by genetics maverick J.
Happily, the maverick officer comes to terms with the U.S. and World War III is averted.
As a control, though, the maverick was sometimes programmed to behave in an unusually generous way.
Either way, you gotta love the attitude inspired by the great maverick venture capitalist, Don Valentine.
The 5, 500 square-feet include master and guest suites fit for a king (or a Maverick).
Among the sellers: Andreessen Horowitz, Maverick Capital, Fidelity Investments and the Swedish investment firm Kinnevik.
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Vegter is a freelance journalist whose articles appeared in Car Magazine and The Daily Maverick.
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One maverick researcher deserves credit for putting suicide treatment on the radar screen.
Mr Orchard is a maverick, wanting Canada to opt out of the North American Free-Trade Agreement.
The stand-up comedian who founded the Five Star Movement is the maverick in this campaign.
In 2002, her book Changing the Rules: Adventures of a Wall Street Maverick was published.
You implied that the self-proclaimed maverick ended up trusting his advisers way too much.
The 48-year-old travel-industry mogul is a maverick even among the more progressive, foreign-educated Japanese.
Gov. PALIN: I think McCain is known as a maverick, and that's why I love McCain.
As well as surfing between the two main parties, independents have increasingly exhibited a maverick streak.
Palin jazzed the base and set a pick for McCain to cast himself as a maverick reformer.
Mario Van Peebles enters the international-vigilante sweepstakes way too late as a maverick working with the D.
But it is also an illustration of what happens when a maverick scientific theory threatens conventional wisdom.
At the same time moderates look at McCain's mainstream Republican campaign as repudiation of his maverick status.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Well, I think him as many people do, you know, as kind of a maverick figure.
Lorillard said it sold more of brands like Newport and Maverick while its rivals reported decreases in sales.
But Cummings the maverick says he just might forgo that revenue and give away market data for nothing.
It began with small, maverick family-owned mom-and-pop shops that overcame struggles to raise meager amounts of private capital.
But apportioning funds by, say, the number of candidates a party fields would encourage even more maverick parties.
He spent five years in that job and built a reputation as a good, if occasionally maverick, reporter.
He was regarded as a maverick within the music industry and battled with drugs and alcohol throughout his life.