In Los Angeles' tony Century City district JMB owns a large block of land that it may soon developintoa 38-story tower, to be dubbed Constellation Place.
Once the poster child for urban despair, New Orleans maydevelopa blueprint for turning a devastated region intoa role model not only for other American cities but for struggling urban regions around the world.
It is obvious today that for the Palestinians to developintoa society that may be capable of statehood in the long term, they require a period of a generation or two to rebuild their society in a peaceful way.
If a fertilized egg is created for the sole purpose of research and not to possibly developintoa life, opponents may refer to it as an unnecessary taking of human life.
If this does turn out to be the case, scientists may well have to developa safer way of delivering new genes into the body, if the enormous promise of gene therapy is ever to become reality.
When it comes to business opportunities, improving network relations where opportunities may lie is the basis for business trust to developa thing from concept intoa product or service.