We may not be stopping it as fast as you think se can stop it.
Some fertility experts fear the guidelines may not lead to changes because they are not binding.
BBC: IVF should be given sooner and to older women, says NICE
Then again, in this economy, having a full roster may not be an option.
The world may not be ready for me, but ready or not, here I come.
If the trend holds, the future of malls may not include stores at all.
Covington adds that the Oregon findings may not be applicable to forests in other regions.
However, by blocking all cookies you may not have access to certain features on our web sites.
"You may not have a shower, but you may gain the most amazing rooftop views, " she writes.
Now, Pizza Hut (or Gallo, for that matter) may not make the hottest impression on a first date.
But Mr Khatami's hardline rivals in the Iranian leadership may not approve his unequivocal support for Mr Karzai.
But, he wrote, Pfizer may not provide official notice of the result until its next earnings call.
They may not know how to price others in the pipeline either, like Facebook.
FORBES: Groupon Soars Afterhours -- It's China and Mobile Businesses Rocket
Lots of data that companies have may be valuable, or it may not be.
FORBES: How External Big Data Opens a Disruptive Frontier for Business Intelligence
Meanwhile, the client may not have enough insurance, proper estate planning documents, or an emergency fund.
FORBES: Is Your Financial Adviser Guilty Of Financial Enabling?
He said it may not necessarily be that different types of alcohol have a differing effect.
That may not sound like much, but any improvement makes an accident that much less likely.
FORBES: He Read, She Read: The Right Typeface Can Get Your Eyes Back On The Road Quicker
Rangers Football Club may not be in administration because of a legal technicality, it has emerged.
BBC: Legal hitch in administration of Rangers forces court date
Even Russia may not want to spend too much political capital in such a cause.
You may not have heard of this company, but you'll know its owner BT.
But it may not be that easy, as companies in similar situations have already discovered.
Earlier this month Zillow asserted that housing may not be as affordable as generally believed.
FORBES: Homes Sales Begin To Slip As Buyer Demand Outpaces Supply
They may not have been the most efficient, but they got the work done.
But, this anecdote of the ebook era may not be all bad news for publishers.
FORBES: The Fast-Track to Making a Million Dollars From Writing Books
And for some struggling homeowners loan modification may not even be the right option.
That day-old Starbucks croissant may not need to go into the garbage after all.
The bill that passed on Tuesday may not be sufficient to stop Mr. Hazare's campaign.
But we're afraid there may not even be any monitoring of what is happening to them.
Same-sex couples with children may or may not be allowed to file as heads of household.
It may engage in some political activity, but this may not be its primary role.
You may not like that, but it is salutary for society as a whole.