In the past, this has translated into regional war and may well do so again.
If they think the services are useful, some of them may well do so.
It may well do so even if the coalition does not make it after all.
It may well do - but most of us will have to wait a little bit longer.
Microsoft may well do something similar, and it may also be derided.
"I thought, since I'm there, I may as well do the marathon, " he says.
And with a month still to go before the non-waiver trade deadline, they may well still do that.
But Ben Bradshaw, at least, thinks others may well now do so.
As this costs nothing, you may as well do it, but the percentage of visitors that click on these is typically very small.
FORBES: Facebook Pages Are a Bad Investment for Small Businesses
So as tough as it may be to commit money in this whipsaw market, we all may do well to take their lead.
Many advisors may be eager to prescribe the municipal panacea today and, in the short term, they may do well.
In Finland the True Finns party may do well in the April 17th election.
His party may do well in the Senate, where votes are calculated on a regional basis.
Traders who are convinced that more easing is coming may do well going long the precious metals.
Democrats may do well at the state level, but that rarely translates into victory in federal elections.
Yet the chance to bag a lucrative new television deal now suggests the new owners may do well.
ECONOMIST: When muscular millionaires clash with brash billionaires
But full data are not expected until 2010, and if Provenge's path to approval stretches on that long, Dendreon may well need to do a financing to get more cash, diluting current investors.
The innovators and entrepreneurs currently working for multinational companies may do well to turn their attention to the several billions of people who lack many fundamental services but hold powerful computers in their hands.
Poor mimics, though they may not do as well as a good mimic in an area where its model lives, will tend to do better in an area where the model is entirely absent, but where there is another model of the same general type.
Game publishers who survive the first couple years of the console swap-out may do awfully well.
The latest cut suggests that, unlike some other Olympic cities, which have profited greatly from staging the games, Sydney may not do as well.
You may want to do well for yourself, but you and your firm won't succeed unless you offer a product or service that people are willing to buy.
When the discussion veered briefly onto foreign policy, Mr Clegg seemed less assured, suggesting that he may do less well in next week's contest (which will cover international affairs).
If the scientists used the wrong statistical method, you may do just as well believing your horoscope.