"I think that maybe is the Greek in me, " she giggles, admitting that she does like to throw herself around the stage a little bit.
As anathema as bureaucracy is to me maybe in the case of airlines it is the exception that proves the rule.
For me to impose that judgment on everyone else who is equally and maybe even more devout than I am, it seems to me is inappropriate in a pluralistic society.
And maybe it is just me today, but the thought that Japan can get through the crisis without further serious damage, let alone coming out of it in substantially better condition, seems particularly Panglossian and unrealistic.
If you would ask me that about maybe six months ago because this is still kind of brand new.
Well, in the writing of the New Testament, I guess the thunderbolt hit me during the writing of the Epistles, where I suddenly realized that maybe it doesn't matter to me if Jesus is the son of God or even divine.
NPR: Making Peace With The Bible By Writing It Out Word For Word
Maybe one of the reasons that set me on perhaps my misinformation is the fact that you did work with William Kristol, and there seems to be that notion, you know, that somehow flowers were going to be laying in our path if we went into Iraq and so forth, not understanding the deep-seated cultural problems were there.
Mr. DREVNA: Given where the economy is in general, it would lead me to believe that maybe there's not as much consumer confidence out there and demand may slightly be down, which would hold the prices down.
You have to give me one tip that, you know, maybe you have a pet pet is a poor choice of words.
Maybe it's me -- it probably is -- but I'm pretty sure that I'm of a generation of shoppers who prefer to do their dealing digitally.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Fear and loathing in the local bike shop
For me it was a nice personal kind of a journey, so I think maybe that is why Chris is saying I was always the one who said, 'Let's do that.
BBC: Newsbeat - Entertainment - More X-Files movies a possibility