One of the Janjaweed raped me while the others pointed their guns at me.
An Arab looking man in a uniform with military insignia stopped his car next to me.
As I shoot, Arnold reminds me to stay forward, on the balls of my feet.
What has surprised me though is that there are so many others out there like her.
Commentator Rebekah Sanderlin has observed that the "me generation" has become the "Mimi(ph)" generation.
"They're the government's way of controlling Upper Egypt - the powerful families, " Moataz told me.
"For me, the big season is with Arsenal, not the World Cup, " he said.
He spoke to me of the 'moral wholeness of my letter' and I almost fainted.
Mr. FAIUMU: Obviously, in radio land they cannot see, get a visual on me.
Talk to me about the war and how that cuts on the Democratic side.
"Not a single Italian journalist contacted me about the Lancet study" said Stefania Salmaso in Rome.
But life's certainability will bring your life into me as I breathe it in.
I'm not sure where you're trying to go, All I'm saying is that you reach me.
Co-founder Aris Konstanidis tells me young Greeks must not accept the scourge of unemployment.
"Certainly the most natural for me is performing in front of an audience, " he says.
Maybe like me that man chose to live here, where there are days your heart dies.
And all along I could hear that voice call, haunting me all that day long.
No pain or sorrow will keep me away, I'd even walk that last long mile.
Taking me back to the place I belong, bringing me home to the West.
It will be us, you and me and people who care enough to engage.
In front of me, a small chapel was built into the side of the mountain.
It reminds me of a lot of things about culture and how it's kind of hypocritical.
Me and you tike, we're gonna make some cash, robbin' old folks and makin' ah dash.
The world may not be ready for me, but ready or not, here I come.
Pharycde's isn't the message with "Passing Me By, " which is one of my all-time favorite songs.
Again and again, he tells me, it is not a settlement, it is a city.
Now, six years later, where I am today surprises me as much as anyone else.
Gurgaon was deserted when K.P. first took me there to see it 25 years ago.
Also more human than avian, also unrecognisable to me, also coming from treetop height.