That would allow Weill to wash his hands of the fiasco without any sort of mea culpa.
Despite a timely mea culpa from the 50-year-old Basic Instinct star, the company ultimately pulled its Chinese ads.
So a few weeks ago, he put out this despairing mea culpa on local TV.
What the markets need to see is a mea culpa for hugely imbalanced economic development.
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In his mea culpa, Fernando Vina said, he didn't think HGH helped that much.
Mr. Bush keeps denying wrongdoing, and Mr. Woods hid from public view before offering his mea culpa.
Te'o took Notre Dame's advice, but this was no Lance Armstrong-with-Oprah Winfrey made for TV mea culpa.
Or is it an excessive mea culpa, particularly in light of the dire economic circumstances of the state?
And he delivers a 'mea culpa' - for what he now sees were inadequacies in Labour's industrial policies.
My Dec. 31, 1984 column, "Big Bloopers of 1984, " was a sort of mea culpa, along with lessons learned.
"This mea culpa is not an honest one, " said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.
Mr. Yates "has come out with this mea culpa, which is extraordinary, " Mr. Vaz said Sunday in an interview.
But not when the hacker leaves behind a mea culpa message on YouTube.
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Instead, he advocated that the Bush Administration sign a document by President Morales, which was essentially a 'mea culpa.
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He issued an unusual mea culpa and described Dendreon stock as the worst call in his career ( read here).
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The mea culpa ads are aimed at consumers who, when they think of products, still think 1973 rusted-out Chevy Vega.
The mea culpa lands ahead of an official report on the tax-fishing incidents by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.
Yes, there was a mea culpa for missing the contraction of business conditions but I sensed he had to cover his back.
Financially, a public mea culpa could simply add to his monetary woes.
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But its mea culpa didn't go far enough for critics of the debacle, who want a review of the Bank of England's role.
Then move the story beyond the outburst and the mea culpa, and focus on how you're going to change your behavior in the future.
His emotional mea culpa was applauded by almost everyone in Singapore.
But given the Justice Department's desire to criminalize complicity in money laundering--whether deliberate or otherwise--Merrill's mea culpa may be only the start of a long penance.
One counter-intuitive tactic I suggest to thaw minds frozen in opposition to your position is offering-up a mea culpa while pressing your case as you do so.
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Never mind, Asia can manage minus the mea culpa - as long as the agency listens to the region more and revises its policies in light of experience.
Armstrong paused to compose himself before a final mea culpa.
"There is some personal mea culpa in all this, and there is some institutional recognition that we too readily dismissed this case, " noted Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas.
He really does deliver a mea culpa onscreen - though I could not tempt him into a Hartlepool chippy for some mushy peas, so Labour-era urban myth remain unexplored.