The synergies on offer are so meagre only because the two firms are unusually complementary.
An elderly pensioner, Raisa survives on a meagre state pension and by growing her own vegetables.
It also far exceeded the meagre 0.1% advance during the first three months of 2001.
Medicare reform of even a meagre sort will have to wait until next year.
"The bibliography of the bank is meagre and leads to nowhere in particular, " Jarvie observed.
For how long will concerns be so narrow, and rewards so meagre, if growth really falters?
The programmes available for the poor are at once limited and helpful, meagre and costly.
Those most staunchly opposed were women in their 20s, many of whom earn meagre wages.
Going abroad is attractive for Japan's big three, because the domestic market offers such meagre returns.
It shares an Irish-style housing bust with the meagre growth prospects of Portugal and Greece.
For the poor median wage would be a considerable increase on their currently meagre wages.
FORBES: A Modest Proposal For Tax Reform: Make The IRS Pay Us For Filing A Return
It would undo, in short, the rather meagre gains of the past three years.
BBC: Fiscal cliff: Simpson and Bowles gloomy on deal chances
Clearly, inadequate leverage is bad for shareholders, for too much equity leads to meagre returns.
ECONOMIST: America��s financial markets may be about to shrink
The effect has been to slow already meagre growth further and push up inflation.
There was some meagre consolation to be had from the comings and goings lower down in government.
Meagre wage increases (for those lucky enough to be in work) mean shoppers have little extra to spend.
Most of the displaced are cared for by relatives, which puts a heavy burden on their meagre resources.
In particular, low-income people would be forced to save even if their present level of consumption is meagre.
But the meagre wages crimp disposable incomes and kill incentives to work harder.
Studies suggest that operating the two side-by-side can cut Bluetooth's already meagre bandwidth by as much as a third.
Despite its meagre resources, UNIVA has succeeded in empowering many rural and peri-urban people through work-related literacy skills training.
Going by its dividend-yield, Wall Street has looked pricey for some time, offering a meagre income of just 2%.
"Martelly is wasting the meagre resources of the country, " said Edner Rosier, one of the organisers of the protest.
They have been a meagre source of capital, providing only 3.4% of the finance that companies raised last year.
The Tories won spectacular swings in the south of England, and often meagre ones, or none at all, elsewhere.
In the early stages of development people destroy forests for a meagre living.
In public ownership, under successive governments, investment in the railway infrastructure was meagre.
Such a meagre growth rate will not suffice to stop further job losses.
Even the most sceptical analysts are having to redo their hitherto meagre forecasts.
Second, they tried to co-ordinate services but had meagre tools to do so.