They expect proof, and they expect fellow Ufologists to measure up to scientific standards.
Will our flawed hero measure up to the fix in which he finds himself?
CNN: Review: 'Oz the Great and Powerful' is more than good enough
The real test of loyalty is how well you measure up to their experience expectations.
Nobody will ever measure up to a beauty ideal that is, literally, physically impossible.
Gone too is the need to settle for local talent that might not measure up to the task.
FORBES: Why Investing In A More Mobile Workforce Makes Sense
The space travel and artificial intelligence of 2001 didn't exactly measure up to Stanley Kubrick's and Arthur C.
ENGADGET: Minority Report at 10: a look at technology from today to 2054
In a few minutes, how does modern day Los Angeles measure up to the bleak vision of "Blade Runner"?
Each side of the debate on global warming would do well to consider how they measure up to this standard.
Teachers who fail to measure up to the new demands may find themselves in a different job, or on lower pay.
The upgrades are important considering a big complaint about California Adventure was that the attractions didn't measure up to other Disney parks.
Classic Italian, serving meals that don't measure up to their price tags.
The DR1000's battery doesn't seem to measure up to its ambitions either.
But to measure up to Mr Jobs, he will need to spot the potential of products that consumers don't yet know they need.
To avoid destruction the United States need only measure up to its own best traditions and prove itself worthy of preservation as a great nation.
As you hear the stories of lions like Madiba and Sisulu and Luthuli, you may think that you can never measure up to such greatness.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Addresses Young African Women Leaders | The White House
The lorries and their loads measure up to 144ft (44m) long - just 3ft (1m) short of the minimum permissible width of a professional football pitch.
BBC: Wind farm turbine transportation is 'biggest' ever load
The AL wild card winner in 2010, the Bombers don't measure up to last year's 103-win club that ran away with its division before rolling to a title.
In fact, the disruption and chaos from a merge often drives customers away and is the primary reason acquisitions do not measure up to their projected financial benefits.
As we know there was a great deal of Internet hate about the graphics of the long-promised FPS, which did not measure up to the look of the trailers.
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Consumers don't care about how apps come to take advantage of their devices, but they do notice an experience that doesn't measure up to what a device is capable of.
Similarly, the proposition that Eximbank has obtained genuinely dedicated income streams to amortize the loans through escrow account arrangements does not measure up to standard commercial banking standards and practices.
To that end, the 570-megapixel camera will eventually measure up to 300 million galaxies up to 8 billion light years distant, as well as 100, 000 galaxy clusters, and 5, 000 supernovae.
But if iPod's sales ultimately disappoint, it's because Apple's industry-leading marketing expertise makes every product launch like Christmas morning, but the presents under the tree never quite measure up to the ones in your imagination.
Gail Larkham, a head from Surrey, said the CVA scores, as they are known, could not show improvements in very bright children because primary school Sats tests only measure up to a certain level (level 5).
It may not measure up to the "language with which God created life", but the better targeting of existing medicines within groups of patients may show us how the hype over personalised medicine could begin to be realised.
The logical response is that absent the existence of City Hall officials making sure restaurants measure up to random requirements, the kitchens would be filthy, common areas unsafe or not accessible to the handicapped, and the food improperly refrigerated.
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For BlackBerry to stake a claim on even a distant third place spot, it doesn't just have to finally measure up to Android and iOS, it has to convince those growing more tired every day that the waiting is finally over.
ENGADGET: Editorial: BlackBerry 10, the waiting and the damage done
But we also need to take a look at the degree to which disclosure, which is what the SEC is supposed to be all about, by foreign borrowers and foreign users of our capital markets does not measure up to disclosure by our own domestic companies.
He seems to have sensed that the music was in what he did, not what he said, nor could he ever for the rest of his life say anything that would measure up to the enormity of the achievement for which he had become the unwilling public face.