Instead, she rewrote it in more measured terms, moderating her sharp remarks with an opening apology.
The quality of pictures is measured in pixels microscopic points of color per square inch.
Whatever action we take must be cogent, effective and measured but we cannot hang about.
The ingredients of the filling are measured out in strict ratios, and there are no short cuts.
Klout aims to score you based on your online influence, measured primarily by Twitter activity.
Motorola is not a cheap stock measured the traditional way at 36 times earnings.
Firms which are growing in a measured, healthy fashion should strive to stay that way.
FORBES: How Impossible Dreams Can Destroy Value In Mid-Sized Firms
Essentially, they measured iOS on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch, versus Android phones and tablets.
Dr. LaFair advises telling the truth about problems and frustrations, but in a measured, calm way.
Here I'm going to focus on -- it's measured using the GDP price index.
Its VAX was the gold standard of minicomputers, the model by which all others were measured.
But, it must also recognize that brand success cannot be measured in incremental steps.
FORBES: McDonald's Healthier Happy Meals Are Just a First Step in a Branding Marathon
Our Revolution defined a world in which a person was measured by what he accomplished.
Past research measured the benefits, but did not take into account the costs involved.
FORBES: Are Family-Friendly Workplace Practices Worth Their Money? New Evidence
Scientists at Leatherhead Food International measured latex allergen levels in 21 types of food packaging.
None of the measured variables in the freedom index relate to health care per se.
Membership is restricted to the top two percent as measured by performance on standardized intelligence tests.
Customers once waited an average of six weeks for delivery after a building was measured.
Consumer confidence, as measured by the Conference Board, fell further than expected this month.
Some things can't be measured -- and this comes from someone with a social science degree.
Japanese authorities said they had measured radiation dose rates of up to 400 millisieverts-per-hour, IAEA reported.
FORBES: Fukushima's Last Stand: All But 50 Workers Evacuated
That "Matched" works so well is due partly to the author's even, measured prose.
Ms Jackson said any such increase in Hull's trade would be monitored and measured.
Mr. Sharif, who had previously strongly opposed the program, used more measured language on Monday.
But in the current scenario, it is likely to proceed with a more measured approach.
FORBES: P&G Worth $70 As It Slows Emerging Markets Expansion
When measurements of carbon dioxide were first taken in 1958, it measured 315 ppm.
When measurements of carbon dioxide were first taken in 1958, it measured 315 parts per million.
As conventionally measured, stock prices quadrupled in the 1990s and then came crashing down.
He cut in from the right before curling a measured left-foot finish into the top corner.
The progress of work has to be measured in terms of outcomes, rather than outputs.
FORBES: Is "Outside-In" Innovation Possible Without Confident "Top-Down" Leadership?