Tesco has withdrawn a line of frozen meatloaf made by County Down company Eurostock Foods.
One answer, to mix metaphors, is that it would allow vegetarians to have their meatloaf and eat it too.
Labelled as Tesco Simply Roast Meatloaf, the product was withdrawn after tests revealed it contained between 2% and 5% horsemeat.
We grabbed a stellar meatloaf sandwich and succulent California vegetable salads at Bell Street Farm, a farm-to-table market that Dru had recommended.
The Coffee Shop in McGregor has a good crowd, drawn by the ample buffet of fried chicken, meatloaf, okra and cabbage.
His remarks comes as it emerged Tesco had withdrawn a line of frozen meatloaf made in Northern Ireland after tests revealed it contained between 2% and 5% horsemeat.
It said it had pulled the 600g packs of Tesco Simply Roast Meatloaf made between October last year and January at Eurostock in Craigavon, Northern Ireland, from its shelves.
Heinz is waging a new ad blitz urging people to add it to meatloaf and is encouraging its food-service partners, like Chili's, to use it in recipes for fish and chicken.
Given his stocky appearance and hairstyle in the security-video footage, Mr. Burkhart was nicknamed "Meatloaf Seagal" by users of the microblogging site Twitter, a reference to the singer Meat Loaf and action-movie actor Steven Seagal.
Even so, she spent almost every night of my childhood cooking up homemade meatloaf, slow cookers full of oxtail soup, chicken casseroles and other Midwestern specialties just like her own mother had done, just like she thought she had to.
But 1988's festival saw the likes of Bonnie Tyler and Meatloaf running for cover as drunken crowds started throwing bottles of urine at them, and the festival was relaunched with lighter acts such as New Order, The Sugarcubes and Pop Will Eat Itself.
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One thousand Aramark chefs have been cooking up vats of pasta and cauldrons of carbonara sauce -- and, perhaps inevitably, those pans of meatloaf of indeterminate color, that seem to be the staple of large-scale food service from school cafeterias to military mess halls.