The CWU fears 40, 000 jobs will go as a result of increased mechanisation of the system.
Mechanisation, from the steam engine onwards, lightened the load of manual labour, creating jobs and wealth.
For the very reason US labour is more productive is because it uses more mechanisation.
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As computers, robots, machinery in general, become more efficient then jobs are lost to that mechanisation.
Yes of course mechanisation of a task destroys the jobs of those who previously did the task.
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Mechanisation of anything destroys the jobs of anyone previously doing the job that has now been mechanised.
FORBES: ATMs Destroy Teller Jobs: Yes, of Course They Do, That's the Point of Having Them
We can go further: the destruction of jobs through mechanisation is what allows civilisation itself to develop.
FORBES: ATMs Destroy Teller Jobs: Yes, of Course They Do, That's the Point of Having Them
The take-up of mechanisation will depend on where the produce is going and how carefully machines can pick it.
Without migrants some businesses, especially farming, could have become more productive through mechanisation.
The report says engineers can help serve a growing population by improving food output through biotechnology, mechanisation, food processing and irrigation.
Mechanisation has come about in a number of ways, according to a report by Philip Martin of the University of California, Davis.
Back then it was the mechanisation of agriculture (the arrival of the tractor in large numbers for example) and the electrification of manufacturing.
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The very offshoring to take advantage of low labour rates has raised labour rates to where mechanisation, even in China, is an attractive option.
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In the countryside the men have the backbreaking work of farming without mechanisation: again, fuel is dear, and many powered irrigation systems have broken down.
But the mechanisation of agriculture is what allowed it to happen.
FORBES: ATMs Destroy Teller Jobs: Yes, of Course They Do, That's the Point of Having Them
Medieval people began to experiment with other uses of mechanisation.
Their jobs were taken by migrants, and also by mechanisation.
These calculators are typical of the one-machine-one-job principle on which office mechanisation has so far proceeded, and it is a principle that some consider totally unsuited to electronic techniques.
The widespread adoption of water mills on a scale never seen in Roman times led not only to a wider range of uses for water power, but an increase in other forms of mechanisation.
Comparing the 1991 data with information gathered for the year 1800, prior to the age of steam and mechanisation in the fishing industry, showed up clear reductions in the numbers of cod, haddock, saithe, cetaceans and seabirds.
BBC: The model should aid future management of the North Sea
The tractor and the mechanisation of agriculture.
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It may be that broad trends, such as the triumph of notions of progress, the decline of the Ottoman empire, the advance of mechanisation and the emergence of international capital markets, made the construction of the canal inevitable.