On top of that, there would be medical costs involved in procuring the egg.
So in October 2002 Gail hired Kent Edwards, president of Medical Claim Assistance in Oklahoma City.
But when IT and medical products crashed in 2000, Firsthand began losing money fast.
With that, a certain skepticism crept into my soul about this high-tech medical intervention.
The medical students in turn have to figure out how to treat the patient.
To solve that problem Medical Education Technologies, a privately held firm in Sarasota, Fla.
The British Medical Association (BMA) said the "important study" confirmed that passive smoking kills.
If found guilty of serious professional misconduct he could be permanently erased from the medical register.
All the animals had been used in medical experiments and were infected with Hepatitis C.
He's a Connecticut pediatrician who writes on medical issues for the online magazine Slate.
The ICD market is one of the fastest-growing segments of the medical devices industry.
Like all medication it can have side effects, so it should not be used without medical supervision.
Several days later Dr. Gordon Schwartz of Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia called back with an opening.
It examined data from the medical records of 13, 057 employed patients engaged in a corporate wellness plan.
Much medical data is in text format and is not structured in a way computers can understand.
Her pioneering work in mass spectrometry could have a significant impact on the future of medical research.
With hopes dimming that Kaiba would survive, doctors tried the medical equivalent of a "Hail Mary" pass.
Rather, the primary goal of my travels was to find a solution to a much bigger medical problem.
The IRS forbids loans from most IRAs, and will only allow early withdrawals for medical or educational expenses.
Workers would also like access to the animals for medical care, which isn't possible with the current setup.
Steroids can also be used to treat certain medical conditions when physiology has failed.
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The same way we think the medical training of care providers is their shield.
The government said there could be valid medical or personal reasons for long waits.
Police also failed to check Shipman's criminal record or his General Medical Council (GMC) history.
There is a counter-argument, made eloquently by an article that appeared in the British Medical Journal.
When it comes to medical devices, the danger may be in what we don't know.
Nonlicensed investors could bring tremendous insights into how to better operate a chain of medical practices.
In some jurisdictions, such wishes are expressed in a separate document called a medical directive.
It offers no medical benefit and carries a real risk of harm for some patients.
Now, such courses are offered in a majority of medical schools throughout the country.
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