However, I would take another tack and look outside the medical care system.
But the vast majority of the cost of any medical care system is the time of the people in it.
FORBES: Bending The Health Care Cost Curve: Fire the Doctors
Only Kenya, he says of Africa's low income nations, has a medical care system that reasonably resembles that of the western world.
In my mind, we are already focusing as a country on improving the quality of the medical care system--the hospitals, doctors, etc.
We should go for a more preventative approach if we want to improve the population's health, rather than just the medical care system.
With an estimated 43 million Americans lacking health insurance and a medical care system that eats up ever-larger percentage of the gross domestic product, health care remains an intractable issue.
CNN: AllPolitics - The Real State Of The Union - Health Care
Proponents argue that such cost-benefit analysis has to figure into health-care decisions, and that any medical system rations care in some way.
Much of the medical education in our health care system is paid for with Medicare dollars.
The failure of our system of medical care for people facing the end of their life runs much deeper.
Terrible mistakes are going to be made under any system of medical care.
That's the type of change in positive health outcomes that will benefit, greatly benefit, consumers of medical care, and make the system cheaper for everybody.
The medical payment system makes primary care a sweatshop.
FORBES: How Entrepreneurs Can Prosper From The Health Care Crisis
Our system of technological medical care has utterly failed to meet these needs, and the cost of this failure is measured in far more than dollars.
The stories are the latest evidence showing that the U.S. health care system is moving toward new approaches to make providers of medical care more accountable.
FORBES: Costly Fee-For-Service Medicine Dealt Blow In Health Affairs
Preventable disease is not a failure of medical science but a failure of our health care system.
As we continue our advances in medical science, we cannot let our health care system lag behind.
Freeman identified five main barriers his patients faced in receiving care: financial, communication, medical system, psychological and personal.
This is all pretty vital stuff for any clinician who might have to treat me urgently, and I am happy a system exists to allow safe medical care to be administered.
Now picture a health-care system where a doctor has medical records at his fingertips, can see x-rays with the click of a mouse, is able to learn and apply the latest diagnostic and surgical technique from anywhere in the world.
The promise (made by lawyers to patients) of some major payout should the patient have some untoward effect of surgical and medical care (as offered by a greedy legal system in front of a jury of people who would rather be texting or working) has to end.
The challengers conceded that the government could do many things to regulate the health-care market, including requiring individuals to pay for medical services with insurance or creating a system in which the government pays for everyone's care.
WSJ: Conservative Justices Challenge Government Over Health Law
We must hold our health care system accountable to the goal that medical decisions should reflect patient informed goals and values.
The most provocative remarks, however, came from Dr. Joanne Lynn, who has been an outspoken advocate for a fully integrated health system that incorporates both medical and personal care.
President Obama's worthy aims of universal and affordable medical care are achievable by bringing genuine free enterprise to the system, not more government.
Often forgotten by the proponents of free enterprise medical care is that risk is the key element of the system free-marketers hold so dear.
FORBES: Yes Virginia, There Is Competition In U.S. Health Care
The additional paying customers with what many believe will be a pent up demand for medical care service are already expected to stress the health care system, putting more pressure on primary care doctors like internists and family doctors.
The costs to the country are, as we do have a tax paid health care system, the costs of whatever extra medical treatment I require as a result of drinking myself to death (perhaps plus any extra police costs as a result of my being blotto).
FORBES: The Alcohol Prohibitionists Really Do Need To Learn Their Economics
But quality of care and access will require significant attention in a reformed medical system.
It incorporates the best ideas from Democrats and Republicans --- including some of the ideas that Republicans offered during the health care summit, like funding state grants on medical malpractice reform, and curbing waste and fraud and abuse in the health care system.
Obamacare promotes the creation of patient centered medical homes, a move toward prevention and wellness, and rebuilding of our primary care system.
FORBES: Dinosaur Doctors And The Death Of Paternalistic Medicine