It had earlier been suggested he had successfully negotiated a medical examination at Old Trafford.
The commission has also recommended a uniform national protocol for the treatment and medical examination of rape survivors.
However, acquiring a gun is not an easy process -steps to gun ownership include a medical examination and a written test.
But taxi drivers requested that this be relaxed so that they could have their medical examination with a GP that charges less.
Earlier reports that the woman was a teenager have now been contradicted by the police, who say that after a medical examination, it was revealed the woman was 30 years old.
He bears a cut on the left side of his face now and although he was given a medical examination, the examiner has yet to release the results to his lawyer or family.
Details of a Great Ormond Street Hospital doctor's crucial medical examination of Baby Peter were excluded from the official report into his death, due to be published on Tuesday, BBC London has learned.
BBC: Baby P examination details 'ignored' by official report
They claim in court that Sapir has, according to a 2008 medical examination, suffered from a "deteriorating mental condition" since at least 1998 that left him vulnerable to shrewd bankers and lawyers out to take advantage of him.
But Dr Goldberg, whose father witnessed a medical examination of Manuel while working as a consultant at the Western Infirmary in Glasgow, said he believed Manuel may have escaped the gallows if the court had been told the full extent of his health problems, which included a form of epilepsy many believe can cause criminal behaviour.
After a quick meeting and tearful farewell with his family, he is escorted into the first class compartment of a Northwest Airlines jumbo jet for a long flight to Detroit in the U.S. Upon landing, he gets a thorough medical examination by doctors at the Henry Ford Hospital, a clean bill of health, and delivers a speech to a sympathetic audience in New York.
Reams of research point to the same finding: physicians looking at the same thing will disagree with each other, or even with themselves, from 10 percent to 50 percent of the time during virtually every aspect of the medical-care process from taking a medical history to doing a physical examination, reading a laboratory test, performing a pathological diagnosis and recommending a treatment.
The medical examiner who performed the post-mortem examination testified on Wednesday that Alexander had fought for his life during the frenzied attack by Arias.
"The office of the chief medical examiner will do an in-depth examination of the site to see if there are, in fact, human remains there, " Kelly said.
One evening a few weeks ago, several members of a television film crew crammed themselves into a tiny examination room on the seventh floor of the Research Medical Center, in Kansas City.
Before Philadelphia Assistant District Attorney Edward Cameron delivered his closing arguments, an examination chair with stirrups, a sonogram machine and other medical devices that were on permanent display in the center of the courtroom during the trial were returned to their place facing the jury box.
The "absence of vital organs made the postmortem examination difficult, " Gurmanjit Singh, head of the forensic department at Amritsar Medical College, said at a televised press conference Friday.
Along with an examination chair with stirrups facing the jury box, a sonogram machine and other medical devices are on permanent display in the center of the courtroom.
The "absence of vital organs made the postmortem examination difficult, " Gurmanjit Singh, head of the forensic department at the Government Medical College and Hospital in Amritsar, said at a televised press conference Friday.
The "absence of vital organs made the postmortem examination difficult, " Gurmanjit Singh, head of the forensic department at the Government Medical College and Hospital in Amritsar, said at a televised news conference on Friday.
Under-cross examination by defence QC Edward Targowski, Prof Black admitted that not everyone in scientific and medical circles agreed with her view on Harris lines.
"Following yesterday's examination of the file and after having duly notified the jockey Lanfranco Dettori of its decision, the Medical Committee has temporarily suspended the said jockey from riding in races in France, based on medical grounds, " read a statement released by France Galop.