• Jersey's Medical Officer of Health, Dr Susan Turnbull, said she was surprised to hear of Mr Rolfe's experience.

    BBC: Jersey hospital 'needs to clearer cancer information'

  • Dr Susan Turnbull, Jersey's chief medical officer of health, said the outbreak had most likely been caused by infected visitors vomiting in the ward.

    BBC: Jersey hospital wards reopen after norovirus outbreak

  • It has set up a review headed by Sir Donald Acheson, a former chief medical officer of health, to examine evidence on inequalities and make recommendations for action.

    ECONOMIST: Health

  • Dr Kirkup, who was independently appointed, has previously worked for the Northern Regional Health Authority and was appointed associate chief medical Officer in the Department of Health in 2005.

    BBC: Joshua Titcombe

  • Dr. Bart Harmon is chief medical officer for Harris Healthcare Solutions and former chief medical information officer for the Military Health System of the U.S. Department of Defense.

    FORBES: On Veterans Day, The Healthcare Debt We Owe Our Troops And Veterans

  • The Science and Technology Committee has an interesting-looking session scheduled (at 10.15am) with Prof Sally Davies, the Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health - there's plenty to ask her about: clinical trials, flu vaccinations, salt and sugar in foods, anti-smoking ads, you name it.

    BBC: Week ahead in committees

  • "We thoroughly embrace the concept, " says Rhonda Robinson Beale, chief medical officer at the behavioral health unit of UnitedHealthcare.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Mr Harmer is a former deputy chief medical officer of the Welsh government and chairman of the Welsh Health Specialist Services Committee.

    BBC: Critical NHS report by National Clinical Forum rewritten

  • Deputy chief medical officer for England Dr Pat Troup said the Department of Health took the concerns of patients about the MMR vaccine very seriously.

    BBC: Measles outbreak feared

  • Prof Dame Sally Davies, England's chief medical officer, said second-hand smoke could cause a range of health problems.

    BBC: TV ad shows danger of 'invisible secondhand smoke'

  • The BMA rules have been drawn up in consultation with the Department of Health and the government's Chief Medical Officer, Professor Sir Liam Donaldson.

    BBC: BMA issues organ guidance

  • In his annual report, chief medical officer, Stephen Bridgman, said a significant number of islanders in Guernsey were suffering health inequality because they could not afford basic medical care.

    BBC: Guernsey dental care provision is defended

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